Field behind the Grove School
A beautiful open space surrounded by the urban environment.
The Malvern to Worcester railway line passes on the western side of the field.
The local plan indicates that this field would be suitable for development to increase the housing stock in South Worcestershire.
Hundreds of years ago this land was bought for the parish of Clerkenwell in London.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.01 miles
Old railway bridge
Narrow passageway giving access to fields behind the Grove School.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.02 miles
Fields east of the railway
Fields on land between The Grove School and the railway embankment (seen on the right).
These fields have been identified as suitable for development as a future housing estate.
The spire of Christchurch can be seen in the distance.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.05 miles
Field south of Meadow Rise
The field has the railway embankment on its west side, Meadow Rise to the north and the Grove School to the east.
There are more fields to the south all of which may soon be developed for housing.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.07 miles
Clerkenwell marker post
"This Estate The Property Of The Parish Of Clerkenwell London.
W.C.Fish, C.Hellis Church Wardens
A portion of land near Malvern was bought in the 17th century and given to the parish of Clerkenwell in London.
The land was defined by marker posts that were replaced over the years in a variety of styles.
Many have been lost, but the surviving ones are now being restored.
This one is just behind the Grove School.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.08 miles
Old Boundary Marker by the Grove School, Malvern
Estate Boundary Marker by the railings of the Grove School. Malvern parish. Cockshute Farm Estate was acquired in 1658 by Sir George Strode and he donated the income to the parish church and poor hospital of St. James in Clerkenwell, London. The posts were erected in the mid-1800s to mark the boundary of the estate. 25 were shown on a map of 1884 and many survive in gardens as the estate has been developed for housing. Grade II Listed details https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1349464.
Milestone Society National ID: WO_CLERK06em
Image: © J Scrine
Taken: 15 Feb 2011
0.08 miles
Cul-de-sac off Meadow Road, Malvern
A small spur of Meadow Road to make use of the available building land up to the railway line.
North Hill is in the distance.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.09 miles
Field behind the Grove School
The school buildings can be seen in the distance especially the horse motif on the end wall (to the right of the picture).
The field is home to cattle today though it may be developed in the next decade according to the planners.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.09 miles
Pickersleigh Grove
The semi detached houses with tiled walls on the upper storey at the end of Pickersleigh Grove.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.09 miles
The Grove School
A primary school for ages 4 to 11 in Pickersleigh Grove.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.10 miles