Frequenlty Asked Questions

Questions about data on StreetGuide

Where do you get your data from?

Our data comes from a number of sources, including Government Departments and Agencies such as the Department for Transport (DfT) and The Office for National Statistics (ONS) together with publicly available data, third-party licenced data and also data that is curated or enhanced in-house.

I have founds a mistake in your data, how do I get it rectified?

As a significant majority of our data is sourced from other organisations and is imported automatically, we are not able to simply amend the incorrect data as this would simply be overwritten by the next scheduled update.

We would therefore advise you to contact the originator of the data in order to get any anomolies addressed. If you need help on where to direct your requests, please feel free to contact us for advice.

If you have contacted the originating organistaion for a data amendment, please allow time for the change to ripple through the various systems. If the site is still incorrect after 8 weeks, please contact us for further advice.

Why are some types of data more up to date than others?

All of our data sources are updated to different schedules and are made available by third-parties to their timetables. We monitor these channels and merge in the data to our services as quickly as possible after the data becomes available.

Can I request data to be removed?

If your data is supplied to us from an open source then we are unable to remove the data as it is a matter of public record and any deletions would simply be re-inserted on the next update.

If you believe you have the right to have the data removed, please contact the origiator of the data. You may contact us for assistance if you need help in contacting the original data provider.

Questions about roadworks on StreetGuide

Where does your roadworks data come from?

Our data is provided by the Department for Transport in England and the Scottish Roadworks Commissioner in Scotland.

How often is your data updated?

For English roadworks, the feed is near-live and so works are updated constantly. Due to website or network confirmation some of the data may be cached and so may not appear to update for a few minutes.

in Scotland a once-per-day update is provided and this is typically updated by this site in the early hours of the morning.

Why are no roadworks information provided for Wales?
Simply put, there is no local roadworks feed provided for Wales that can be utilised. Traffic Wales do provide details of major works on motorways and major roads in Wales at the Traffic Wales website.

Why are no roadworks information provided for Northern Ireland?

There is no specific local roadworks feed for Northern Ireland in the same way as have been provided for England Scotland.

TrafficWatchNI do provide summary details at their website but unfortunately, they do not provide coordinates with their data and so we are unable to assign them to specific postcodes or show them on a map.

Can you provide any additional information relating to a roadwork event?
Unfortunately, not. The only information we have available is displayed on the site. For additional information you would need to contact the organiser of the works or the local council that are sponsoring the works.

We have provided available contact details on the works event page and we are adding to this information all the time. If you have contact information that we do not have available, please help others by sending us the details and we will add them to the available information.

Why are there no roadworks happening when they were due to start by now?

The proposed dates usually cover a range of dates to accomodate unforseen consequences like bad weather, earlier overrunning works etc and so it is probable that the works will start at some point within the range of dates specified for the works. In our experience, the dates provided are generally quite accurate.

There are occasions however when a set of works may never start as the works organiser arranged a permit but never cancelled it. In these circumstances we cannot be certain that the works will never commence and so they do stay as pending works until their expiry date.