Berriman Terrace, Newport
Tucked away at the rear of
Image, up a narrow path, lies Berriman Terrace, a pair of early to mid 19th century cottages, with privies and pigstys, which were collectively Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/300012516-berriman-terrace-newport#.XZjTKEZKjIU in 1992.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 17 Sep 2019
0.00 miles
Looking east along West Street (A487)
Near to its junction with Upper West Street, to the right.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 24 Mar 2015
0.01 miles
Victoria Lodge, Newport
Early to mid 19th century, and thought to have been built for the local Berriman family, for whom the small terrace of cottages at the rear were also built. It was Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/300012515-victoria-lodge-newport#.XZjShEZKjIU in 1992, along with
Image &
Image a little further to the west.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 17 Sep 2019
0.01 miles
Awel y Mynydd House, Newport
Despite later alterations which hide much of the structure, Awel y Mynydd is actually an early 19th century house, which attracted a Grade II listing https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/300012518-awel-y-mynydd-newport#.XZjRgEZKjIU in 1992, along with its adjoining neighbours.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 17 Sep 2019
0.01 miles
Westleigh House, Newport
Fairly unremarkable-looking in itself, but the later stuccoed frontage hides an early 19th century house which was Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/300013082-westleigh-newport#.XZjPQUZKjIU in 1992. The central 'lunette' gable, in this case with its semi-circular window, appears on a number of local properties in the Cardigan & Fishguard area, and suggests they may be the work of a single builder.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 17 Sep 2019
0.01 miles
Erection of dwellings, West Street
They are being built next to the Royal Oak public house. I found the planning application BR/0640/12 on Pembrokeshire County Council’s website that described the work to be carried out as “three new dwellings” but that the application had been rejected, subject to certain conditions. However, now it seems that they are in the course of being built.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 24 Mar 2015
0.02 miles
Major House, Newport
Major House and its adjacent service wing
Image date from the early part of the 19th century, and have been collectively Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/300012513-major-house-newport#.Xa_yNuhKhPY in 1992. They form a group in conjunction with a number of other properties of similar nature around a street junction.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 14 Sep 2019
0.02 miles
Gwaunfa Cottage, Newport
A difficult place for even the historians to date, as 19th century alterations have hidden much of its original character. However, the long & low style, combined with a belief that the upper floor is a later addition, as are the bay windows, suggest that it's actually one of the older properties in Newport, and as such it was Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/300084395-gwaunfa-newport#.Xa_4O-hKhPY in 2005.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 14 Sep 2019
0.02 miles
Major Lodge, Newport
Major Lodge was built in the early 19th century as a service wing to the main
Image just to its right, and equally attracted a Grade II listing https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/300012514-major-lodge-newport#.Xa_xxOhKhPY in 1992.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 14 Sep 2019
0.03 miles
Lettering on Bethlehem Baptist chapel, Upper West Street, Newport / Trefdraeth
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 22 May 2015
0.03 miles