Mytten Bank, Cuckfield
Small cul de sac containing four dwellings off Broad Street built in the 1990s in the former grounds of Mytten House which was once a field, according to Cuckfield's 1843 tithe map, called Mittens Field.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 20 Dec 2014
0.01 miles
Mytten Lodge, Broad Street, Cuckfield
Originally the lodge for Mytten, a large Victorian house. Both lodge and house were not marked on Cuckfield's 1843 tithe map but are on the 1874 OS map giving some idea of construction. The drive to the house remained in use until the 1970s when
Image was developed and now serves a couple of smaller dwellings, Mytten Cedars and Mytten Magnolia.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 20 Dec 2014
0.04 miles
Mytten Close, Cuckfield
This section of Mytten Close was built in the 1960s in the grounds of a large house called Myttens which still stands but is now surrounded by the estate. According to Cuckfield's 1843 tithe map this was once a field called Bull Field.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 17 Feb 2015
0.05 miles
Mytten Twitten, Cuckfield
A narrow alley that runs from the High Street to London Lane. Marked as Mytten Lane on all OS maps up to 1938 acquiring its current name by the 1956 edition. This section looks down towards Mytten Close after which it swings west towards the High Street.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 20 Dec 2014
0.06 miles
Mytten Close, Cuckfield
This is a western extension of the cul de sac added in the mid 1970s in the former grounds of Mytten House which still exists behind the fence to the left.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 20 Dec 2014
0.07 miles
Courtmead Road, Cuckfield
A private estate designed in the 1930s by local architect Harold Turner with the straight access road following the course of an old public right of way which still remains a public footpath today. The houses to the south were the first to be developed and occupy a couple of former fields called Court Meadow and Stone Rocks. Those to the north were gradually built from the end of the Second World War and completed in the 1970s.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 17 Feb 2015
0.09 miles
Chapel End, Broad Street, Cuckfield
Located behind the
Image and originally built as a British School, the nonconformist equivalent of a National School, in 1869 which had previously been a day school in the chapel building and continued operating until closure in 1907. It is marked as a Sunday school on all OS maps up to 1970 and was probably used as the church hall as well. It was sold in the 1980s and converted into a residence which it remains today.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 20 Dec 2014
0.09 miles
Former Congregational Chapel, Broad Street, Cuckfield
Established in 1820 as the Providence Congregational Chapel it was rebuilt in 1869 and continued to serve the local community until its closure in 1979. Since then it has been converted into offices. The white building on the left is Gardenia Tea House and both are being viewed from the entrance to the village's car park.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 29 Nov 2014
0.10 miles
Hatchlands, Cuckfield
A small cul de sac off Broad Street that was developed in the 1980s in the grounds of a former Victorian townhouse of the same name. Unlike neighbouring Myttens the house was demolished.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 17 Feb 2015
0.10 miles
Ledgers Meadow, Cuckfield
Small cul de sac built in the 1950s off the High Street. Taken at sunrise.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 29 Nov 2014
0.10 miles