Wilmot Close
Alms Houses for the elderly. Additional houses have been added over the years.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 16 Jun 2006
0.05 miles
Corvus Curiosa
A Carrion Crow (Corvus corone) eyes me warily from a tree beside Simms Gardens - He's wondering what the thing I'm pointing at him is but obviously doesn't think it's a shot-gun otherwise he'd be off! The tree itself has quite a healthy growth of lichens, suggesting that the air quality isn't too bad.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 19 Mar 2011
0.05 miles
Hoodie in Da Alley
A young person walks along Ploughmans Walk towards Long Lane. This alley meets Long Lane at the same point as the remnants of Green Lane, (see other photos for this square), and is probably part of the same old route. Ploughmans Walk only got a name relatively recently - it never had one when I was a child!
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 24 Nov 2007
0.05 miles
Lucas Gardens
Part of a housing estate built on the site of the old Simms Factory. This road takes its name for Lucas who took over Simms. The area on which these apartments stand was the car park. Previously, it had been allotments. The road connects to Long Lane at the far end. It is divided in the middle to prevent through traffic and the section behind me is called Simms Gardens at the other end.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 18 Jan 2013
0.06 miles
Pedestrian Sliproad
Footpath leading up to the Long Lane bus stop on the west bound North Circular Road.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 31 Aug 2008
0.06 miles
Road Closed
Three Valleys Water are renewing the water mains throughout East Finchley. During the course of this work some roads are closed temporarily as is the case here on Tarling Road. On the right is the new blue plastic water pipe. Much of the work is being carried out using trenchless methods, but here a trench has been cut across the road. A lone workman takes a lunch break on the track of the excavator. The mothers and buggies are en-route to the Newstead Children and Family centre - the low brick building on the right. The houses beyond are on Sylvester Road.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 12 Feb 2008
0.07 miles
A406 - North Circular Road
Viewed from the bus stop for Long Lane. Westbound traffic climbs from passing under the A1000 to cross over Long Lane and the Northern Line. The bridge behind the truck carries the footpath from Tarling Road.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 27 Oct 2009
0.07 miles
Simms Gardens
Viewed from Tarling Road, Simms Gardens recalls the name of the founder of Simms Motor Units, subsequently part of Lucas CAV. This is part of the housing estate built following the closure of the factory on this site. This area was the car park. Previously, it had been allotments. The road, which routes through to Long Lane, is divided in the middle to prevent through traffic and is called Lucas Gardens at the other end.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 18 Jul 2006
0.08 miles
North Circular A406
The North Circular before it became a 6 lane dual carriageway. Lots of trees and a bit of a tailback. The bus is Eastern National 1922, a Leyland National. The National Bus company leaf green livery blends in well with the trees!
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: Unknown
0.08 miles
Road Closed
The A406 North Circular Road with the eastbound carriageway closed following an accident on the bridge over Long Lane. The vehicles involved can be seen parked on the right, along with a Police vehicle attending the scene. The road is closed between the junctions with the A1 to the A1000 - see
Image Heavy traffic at Henlys Corner, compounded by the road closure, has resulted in a tailback on the westbound carriageway to this point.
Finchley Fire Station is visible through the trees on the right.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 18 Dec 2009
0.09 miles