Peabody Estate, Camberwell Green, flats built in 1920
Note the architect's faint classical touches above the cornice. There are three blocks within the building, one of which is Block K. There are modern porches in front of the original arched entrances:
Image Note the balconies, not provided in the 1911 buildings. There is a second building behind this one. Of the three buildings seen on the east side of Camberwell Green this is the middle one. To the south (right) is the front one of the three built in 1911, blocks A, B and C:
Image and Mike Faherty's
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 18 Sep 2015
0.01 miles
Peabody Estate, Camberwell Green, entrance to Block K
This building dates from 1911 and is seen in
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 18 Sep 2015
0.01 miles
Camberwell Green, the road, is now a cul-de-sac, Camberwell, south London
The north end of the street is now for car parking on both sides. The newly-paved south end is in effect an extension of the Camberwell Green open space, a much-loved pocket park, giving residents of the Peabody tenements, right, some sunny outside space.
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 29 Aug 2016
0.01 miles
Peabody Estate, Camberwell Green ? a glimpse between buildings
On the left, the flats built in 1920; on the right, the front one of the three built in 1911. The buildings in the background, behind the hut, are part of Camberwell Leisure Centre, formerly the public baths:
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 18 Sep 2015
0.01 miles
Park House and Brighton House, north end of Camberwell Green
These first appear on an OS map of 1916, replacing small properties. They are not part of the Peabody estate that adjoins them. They appear to be privately owned and let flats.
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 18 Sep 2015
0.02 miles
Camberwell Green
Looking toward D'Eynsford Road. The buildings to the left of the central tree are Brighton and Park Houses.
Taken: 25 May 2009
0.03 miles
Memorial to Camberwell people who died or suffered in war, Camberwell Green, London
This is one of two memorials at the north end of Camberwell Green to people killed in war:
The inscriptions on the vertical element read:
In memory of the people of Camberwell who died or suffered in War
This memorial stands above the Air Raid Shelter where a wedding party lost their lives on the afternoon of 17 September 1940.
Sidney and Patricia Wright had just married and were celebrating in the nearby 'Mother Redcap' public house with family and friends.
During an air raid, they sought refuge in the shelter which was directly hit by a bomb. All members of the Wright family and four other people were killed.
May they, and all victims of War, rest in peace.
The plaque on the ground lists the bodies recovered from the shelter the next day: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4794740.
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 19 Sep 2015
0.03 miles
Plaque recording the bodies recovered from a bombed air raid shelter, Camberwell Green
The plaque sits below another:
Image, one of a pair of memorials at the north end of Camberwell Green:
Image This inscription reads:
Bodies recovered from the Air Raid Shelter on 18 September 1940:
Wright family
Bride and Groom – Patricia and Sidney (aged 21)
Sidney's parents – Elizabeth and Sidney (aged 48)
Sidney's sisters – Dorothy (aged 19) Mary (aged 18)
Elsie (aged 13) Joyce (aged 10) and June (aged 8)
Nora Flaherty (aged 19) Lear Nadel (aged 58)
Emma Ross (aged 48) and her son Stanley Ross (aged 14)
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 19 Sep 2015
0.03 miles
Refurbishment of Peabody tenements, Camberwell Green
In the picture is one of five 3-bay blocks on the site, seen earlier in
Image The view is towards Camberwell Church Street.
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 29 Aug 2016
0.03 miles
Second World War memorials, Camberwell Green, London
At the north end of Camberwell Green is this Y-shaped area of paving off the main path. It's the setting for two memorials to people killed during World War II. That on the right is a general memorial:
Image That in the centre relates to Camberwell and a number of individuals sadly killed:
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 19 Sep 2015
0.03 miles