New flats, Brookhill Road
Image: © Alex McGregor
Taken: 20 Feb 2013
0.07 miles
Houses on Brookhill Road, Woolwich
Running along the bottom of a steep valley with no sign of a brook, which appears to be totally covered over now. It almost certainly runs along under the road, although the old parish boundary was mapped straggling through the line of houses, suggesting the course of the brook was naturally there once.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 14 Mar 2012
0.10 miles
Victoria Cross memorial in St George's chapel, Woolwich
The memorial takes the form of a mosaic forming the backdrop or reredos to the altar of the former military chapel. It commemorates the many holders of the VC in the "Royal and Late Indian Artillery" from 1854 onwards - including two in the 21st century so far, 2000 and 2005.
The chapel is not normally open but was on this occasion, for Open House Weekend. For context see
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 20 Sep 2014
0.11 miles
Gunner Lane, Woolwich
Within the housing development on the site of the former military hospital here.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 14 Mar 2012
0.11 miles
Remains of St George's Chapel
The sanctuary is all that remains of the former military chapel or "Garrison Church" opposite the former Royal Artillery headquarters. The chapel was built in 1873 (or 1863 - sources vary) and bombed in WW2. The remains are Grade 2 listed (list entry number 1078985) and it is on English Heritage's "buildings at risk register".
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: Unknown
0.12 miles
Royal Garrison Church of St George, Woolwich
St George's Garrison Church in Woolwich was built in the 1860s to serve the Royal Artillery Barracks. It was destroyed by a flying bomb on 13th July 1944. The consecrated ground was presented as a memorial garden and contains the V. C. Memorial of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. At the time this photograph was taken it was closed while repairs funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund to the tune of £396,000 were taking place. See https://www.stgeorgeswoolwich.org/ and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-15437355
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 11 Jan 2014
0.12 miles
Poppy wreaths in St George's chapel, Woolwich
Wreaths laid at the altar of the former military chapel. The chapel is not normally open but was on this occasion, for Open House Weekend. For context see
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 20 Sep 2014
0.12 miles
Woolwich Barracks Area, SE18
The Garrison Church of St George is situated directly opposite the main entrance onto Woolwich Barracks' parade ground. It was commissioned by Sir Sidney Herbert, the Secretary of State for War, in 1863 and it is believed that the mosaics were added in 1903 by Messrs Burke & Co of Newman St, London. It ceased to be operational in 1944 following a hit by a V1 flying bomb. Apart from this temporary roof that was fitted in the 70s, it appears to have been left untouched, although the grounds appear cared for. The Heritage of London Trust is apparently in discussion with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) about replacing the “temporary” roof and restoring its damaged mosaics and a local management committee hopes eventually to encourage its use for concerts and other events.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 1 Jan 2013
0.12 miles
Woolwich Common Area, SE18
This path connects Woolwich New Rd (ahead) and Grand Depot Road/A205 (at the rear) and runs along the south side of the ruins of the Garrison Chapel of St George. The church was commissioned by the Secretary of State for War in 1683 but ceased to be operational in 1944 following a hit by a V1 flying bomb. Apart from a "temporary" roof, fitted in the 70s, it appears to have been left relatively untouched although the grounds appear cared for. The Heritage of London Trust is apparently in discussion with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) about replacing the “temporary” roof and restoring its damaged mosaics and a local management committee hopes eventually to encourage its use for concerts and other events. The Woolwich Barracks parade ground lies behind the photographer.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 1 Jan 2013
0.13 miles
Information board for the Royal Garrison Church of St George, Woolwich
This is the information board for the Royal Garrison Church of St George, Woolwich as seen at https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/219470
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 17 Jan 2021
0.13 miles