Newlyn Drive
This road of detached houses is very typical of the western suburbs developed in the 1930s. I must have walked or cycled along here many times in the 1950s (when most of the window and door woodwork was green-and-cream, or grained), on my way to play at Melbourne Park, which is behind the houses on the left.
Image: © John Sutton
Taken: 11 May 2010
0.04 miles
Melbourne Park: where there was once a busy railway
The almost imperceptible embankment to the right of the pollarded poplars in the foreground marks the shunting neck of the National Coal Board railway line which connected Babbington (Cinderhill) Colliery with the extensive fan of sidings at the Nuthall Road landsale wharf, which lay behind the green poplars, where the Staindale Drive housing development now stands. This railway had originally been built by Thomas North, the colliery owner, to connect Babbington to the Nottingham Canal, due south at Wollaton Road, and later the Midland Railway line from Radford to Trowell at Babbington Sidings, near where Western Boulevard Bridge now stands. The line south of Melbourne Park had been long abandoned (since the building of Western Boulevard in the 1930s) by the time I sat on the swings just out of picture to the left and watched a little green locomotive named Peter shunting NCB East Midlands Division No 6 Area wagons, which were black with white lettering and bright yellow corner ironwork. The line of the railway can still be made out near where it crosses Melbourne Road a little way north of here - see
Image: © John Sutton
Taken: 11 May 2010
0.06 miles
Houses on Western Boulevard (A6514)
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 27 Mar 2017
0.07 miles
Western Boulevard (A6514)
Looking south west on the Nottingham Ring Road.
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 27 Mar 2017
0.07 miles
George VI postbox on Western Boulevard (A6514)
Postbox No. NG8 292.
Image] for context.
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 27 Mar 2017
0.08 miles
Western Boulevard (A6514)
Showing position of Postbox No. NG8 292.
Image] for postbox.
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 27 Mar 2017
0.08 miles
Nuthall Gardens, Nottingham
Off Western Boulevard (A6514).
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 27 Mar 2017
0.11 miles
Businesses on Nuthall Road
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 27 Mar 2017
0.11 miles
Melbourne Park: poplars which once bordered a railway
This view, from near the Newlyn Gardens entrance to the park, shows what in my childhood in the 1950s was the shunting neck of the National Coal Board railway line which connected Babbington (Cinderhill) Colliery with the sidings at the Nuthall Road landsale wharf (some way behind the camera). This railway had originally been built by Thomas North, the colliery owner, to connect Babbington to the Nottingham Canal, due south at Wollaton Road, and later the Midland Railway line from Radford to Trowell at Babbington Sidings, near where Western Boulevard bridge now stands. The line south of Melbourne Park had been long abandoned (since the building of Western Boulevard in the 1930s) by the time I watched a little green locomotive named Peter shunting NCB East Midlands Division No 6 Area wagons, which were black with white lettering and bright yellow corner ironwork.
Image: © John Sutton
Taken: 11 May 2010
0.12 miles
UK Green Traffic Light Signal
UK Green Traffic Light Signal at the Crossroads junction on the Nuthall Road, joining the Western Boulevard, Bypass at Nottingham Nottinghamshire.
Image: © gary
Taken: 15 Jun 2015
0.12 miles