Public Bridleway near Burradon
This public bridleway links the urban sprawl of Killingworth New Town with a plethora of footpaths and tracks. This bridleway follows the course of an old mineral railway which linked Burradon Colliery to the immediate north with Killingworth Colliery to the south. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 17 Nov 2020
0.08 miles
Killingworth Way (A1056)
Heading west.
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 3 Aug 2013
0.10 miles
Underpass near Killingworth
This underpass links the urban sprawl of Killingworth New Town with the network of old waggonways and footpaths lying to the north. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 17 Nov 2020
0.11 miles
Killingworth School
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 3 Aug 2013
0.15 miles
Bailey Green Primary School, West Bailey, Killingworth
A large primary school located on the north side of West Bailey in Killingworth.
Image: © Graham Robson
Taken: 13 Jun 2020
0.20 miles
Pond, Burradon
This pond lies on an area of land once occupied by Burradon Colliery. The colliery was sunk in the 1820s along with a waggonway running from the colliery to Killingworth Colliery to the south. From there the coal from Burradon Colliery continued its journey along waggonways to the River Tyne. On the 2nd March 1860, an explosion at Burradon Colliery killed 76 men and boys and the disaster took on national significance at a time when mining safety was poor and the families of disaster victims had to rely on charity. The colliery eventually closed on the 22nd November 1975. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 17 Nov 2020
0.21 miles
Burradon NCB shed, shortly before closure.
Image: © Roger Cornfoot
Taken: Unknown
0.24 miles
Fryer's Millennium Green, Burradon
When the second edition of the Ordnance Survey Six-Inch map of the area was published in 1898 this area was the site of Fryer's Terrace. Subsequently, in 1954, the properties in Fryer's Terrace were demolished and the area became derelict for many years. The project to create the Millennium Green was organised by the Burradon & Camperdown Forum and was officially opened in 2001. The land is now owned and maintained by North Tyneside Council. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 17 Nov 2020
0.25 miles
Decorative Railings, Fryer's Millennium Green, Burradon
When the second edition of the Ordnance Survey Six-Inch map of the area was published in 1898 this area was the site of Fryer's Terrace. Subsequently, in 1954, the properties in Fryer's Terrace were demolished and the area became derelict for many years. The project to create the Millennium Green was organised by the Burradon & Camperdown Forum and was officially opened in 2001. These railings lie on the western boundary of the Millennium Green. The land is now owned and maintained by North Tyneside Council. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit.
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 17 Nov 2020
0.25 miles
Burradon Colliery site
The mineral railway here was shown as a solid black line symbol railway on the 1976 1:50,000 map and as a disused mineral line in 1981.
Image: © Richard Webb
Taken: 1 Oct 2015
0.25 miles