Hollywood Bowl
The ten pin bowling alley, incorporating the Vue cinema, at the Finchley Lido complex on a cold clear February evening. Extensive parking facilities are provided.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 9 Feb 2010
0.03 miles
Night Emergency
An ambulance and a paramedic attending a night time emergency at an apartment block on High Road, Finchley. The bus stop makes a convenient location to pull off the road. Both crews are inside with the patient.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 28 Jul 2010
0.05 miles
Squires Lane, Junction with A1000
The sign on the left indicates that at the end of Squires Lane motorists can join the A406. It makes no mention of the A1000 which is the road crossing right to left. The road on the left behind the sign is Bow Lane.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 20 Sep 2008
0.05 miles
High Road, North Finchley
Looking towards junction of Bow Lane and Squires Lane on the left
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 7 Sep 2007
0.05 miles
The Promised Snow Has Arrived
North London gets its first real snow of the 2012/13 winter. Traffic is light on the A1000 in this early afternoon view as a 263 drops passengers at the Squires Lane stop. The same cannot be said of the A406 passing below where the traffic is heavy eastbound.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 18 Jan 2013
0.06 miles
Big Yellow storage, Finchley High Road
The reason for the recent increase in storage warehouses is the shrinking size of new houses which don't have enough room for people's furniture and belongings. Also the price of property has gone up so much people can't afford such large places generally and are having to limit their available space or move too far away instead.
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 18 Nov 2015
0.06 miles
Glebelands Pond
Man-made pond at the western end of the Glebelands Local Nature Reserve. A Weeping Willow dips its leaves in the waters edge. A resident family of Moorhen's have left trails through the duck weed that conceals the surface. There are waterlillies, which have finished flowering for this year and, unfortunately, plastic bottles. In the distance is a parade of shops on Glebe Road.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 10 Aug 2006
0.07 miles
Stand and Deliver
On the edge of the Glebelands the bole of a dead tree has been carved to depict a highwayman. It forms a memento of the time when highwaymen frequently robbed travellers on the Great North Road as they crossed Finchley Common. Finchley's association with highwaymen is further recalled by 'The Dick Turpin' pub on Long Lane.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 2 May 2006
0.07 miles
Footpath on the Glebeland
Two footpaths on the Glebeland. The main footpath leads from the A1000 to the Glebelands open space where Wingate & Finchley FC and Finchley RFC have their playing fields. The gateway on the left gives access to a footpath through the Glebelands local nature reserve. The Glebelands are commonly referred to locally as 'The rough Lots'.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 2 May 2006
0.07 miles
Hail and Ride
Passengers board an early evening 382 bound for Mill Hill East on Squires Lane, by the junction with Glebe Road. The traffic island, outside London Greek Radio, is a popular boarding point on the Hail and Ride section of this route, which stretches along Squires Lane and up Long Lane to Finchley Central.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 26 Oct 2009
0.07 miles