Moynton Rd
A modern housing development on the site of the old Thomas Hardye School.
Image: © Nigel Mykura
Taken: 4 Jan 2011
0.11 miles
St Mary's Catholic VA First school, Dorchester
Image: © Becky Williamson
Taken: 11 Aug 2016
0.14 miles
Street stone
An unusual stone on the edge of the street. The front would have appeared to have a plaque missing indicating what it was for, possibly a mile stone on an old lane. The second point of interest is the Ordnance Survey cut bench mark on the side. The builders of the wall had made a wise decision not to brick it in but to construct an arch over it, so they must have identified it was a stone of some importance.
Image: © Mat Tuck
Taken: 6 Aug 2014
0.15 miles
Lucetta Lane Dorchester
One of the many roads that are named after Thomas Hardy characters. Lucette Le Sueur is a french speaking woman from Jersey in the novel The Mayor of Casterbridge. She is the lover of Henchard who is the mayor in the title of the book. This photo was taken from close to the junction with South Court Avenue and Culliford Rd.
Image: © Nigel Mykura
Taken: 19 Jan 2010
0.16 miles
Sandringham Sports field , Dorchester
These playing fields are part of the Sandringham sports centre and are close to where the old Thomas Hardye School used to stand.
Image: © Nigel Mykura
Taken: 26 Jul 2008
0.16 miles
Ivel Close
This is one of the short residential streets built on the site of the old Thomas Hardye School. The trees at the end mark the pedestrian section of Barnes Way. The housing development resulted in a large central part of Barnes way disappearing leaving two unconnected sections at either end and also this small pedestrian pathway.
Image: © Nigel Mykura
Taken: 4 Jan 2011
0.17 miles
Reaching the A35 ring road, Dorchester
The footpath across the fields to the North Plantation can be seen in the distance.
Image: © Becky Williamson
Taken: 6 Feb 2015
0.17 miles
York Terrace, Barnes Way (unadopted)
The title is exactly what it says on the street name sign. There is a separate part of Barnes Way about 100m to the SW. Modern road and housing development have obliterated part of the middle section of this road and turned another part into a foot path. This part of the road York Terrace was never adopted by the local authority although a short length just to the north has.
Image: © Nigel Mykura
Taken: 19 Jan 2010
0.20 miles
Eastern end of South Court Avenue Dorchester
This roundabout is where Culliford Rd, Barnes Way and South Court Avenue meet up with Lucetta Drive
Image: © Nigel Mykura
Taken: 9 Oct 2008
0.20 miles
Post Box and Roundabout at end of South Court Avenue, Dorchester
Image: © Gary Rogers
Taken: 11 May 2017
0.20 miles