Warwick buildings [131]
A recently constructed church of the Jehovahs Witnessess in Saltisford.
A market town and county town of Warwickshire, Warwick lies on the River Avon, 11 miles (18 kilometres) south of Coventry. There is evidence of unbroken habitation from the 6th century AD with signs of Neolithic and Roman activity before that date. It was a Saxon burh in the 9th century and Warwick Castle was built during the Norman Conquest. Much of the town was destroyed in The Great Fire of Warwick in 1694. Warwick Racecourse is located just west of the town centre. The Grand Union Canal passes through the town and the restored Saltisford Canal Arm is close to the town centre.
Image: © Michael Dibb
Taken: 4 Aug 2020
0.01 miles
Ruined building known as the Master's House, on site of medieval St. Michael's Leper Hospital in Saltisford
Known as the Master's House, this timber-framed building from the late 15th or early 16th century has for decades been in a ruined state. It is a listed building on the site of a scheduled ancient monument, St. Michael's Leper Hospital. The church of St. Michael was founded in 1135 and the hospital first appears in the records in 1275. Medieval leper hospitals were intended to segregate the sufferers from society, hence its location on the outskirts of Warwick. Most were suppressed at the Reformation along with monasteries (1536-40) and chantry chapels (1547), which supported them, and St Michael's hospital is described as being 'much in ruin' in 1540. It was subsequently leased to a layman, who offered alms and lodging to poor people, and the chapel and master's house, the surviving parts of the complex, were later used as cottages. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1011035 Warwick District Council served a compulsory purchase order on the site in January 2021. https://www.warwickcourier.co.uk/news/people/council-serves-compulsory-purchase-order-warwicks-medieval-leper-hospital-3101841
Image: © A J Paxton
Taken: 29 May 2021
0.02 miles
The Master's House, Saltisford
What's in the plastic bag? Here's the English Heritage description (as at 2008):
"Warwick Masters House 4,5 and 6 St Michaels Court, Saltisford, Warwick.
Designation Listed Grade II*, Scheduled Ancient Monument
C15 structure on C12 foundations; part of the former leper hospital of St Michael founded in the C12. Temporary propping and protective sheeting has been installed, but the building is in a serious condition. English Heritage grant not taken up. Scheme for conversion of building to offices (with new offices to rear of site) now has planning approval. Works expected to commence 2008."
External link to English Heritage listing: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1364850
Image: © E Gammie
Taken: 26 Jul 2007
0.02 miles
The Master's House, Saltisford [2]
Unsure whether this is the front or the back! See
Image for view from the other side. Under the plastic is a 15th century building in presumably extremely poor condition - at the time of the photo it was on the English Heritage 'Buildings at Risk' list. A little of the timber frame can be seen on the left.
External link to English Heritage listing: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1364850
Image: © E Gammie
Taken: 26 Jul 2007
0.02 miles
Restoration to St Michael's Leper Hospital
Image: © Geoff Ousbey
Taken: 21 Jan 2020
0.02 miles
Restoration to St Michael's Leper Hospital
Image: © Geoff Ousbey
Taken: 21 Jan 2020
0.02 miles
Restoration to St Michael's Leper Hospital
Image: © Geoff Ousbey
Taken: 21 Jan 2020
0.02 miles
Warwick buildings [133]
Hidden under the scaffolding and tarpaulins is The Masters House, a timber framed 15th century building part of the Leper Hospital of Saint Michael. The hospital was founded in the 12th century and this building was built on earlier foundations. The building was added to and converted into three cottages, 4, 5 and 6 St Michael's Place, in the 18th century. Neglected for decades the building was subject to an emergency rescue in 2018. This and the chapel
Image form one of the very few leper hospitals of the early middle ages still surviving. The chapel is listed, grade II*, with details at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1035366 The site is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and details are at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1011035
A market town and county town of Warwickshire, Warwick lies on the River Avon, 11 miles (18 kilometres) south of Coventry. There is evidence of unbroken habitation from the 6th century AD with signs of Neolithic and Roman activity before that date. It was a Saxon burh in the 9th century and Warwick Castle was built during the Norman Conquest. Much of the town was destroyed in The Great Fire of Warwick in 1694. Warwick Racecourse is located just west of the town centre. The Grand Union Canal passes through the town and the restored Saltisford Canal Arm is close to the town centre.
Image: © Michael Dibb
Taken: 4 Aug 2020
0.02 miles
Old Chapel next to the Mormon Church
The building with the white spire is a modern church belonging to the Latter Day Saints, but the old chapel in front doesn't seem to be used for anything
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 27 Jun 2018
0.02 miles
Warwick-Former Leper Chapel
St Michael
Image: © Ian Rob
Taken: 16 Apr 2011
0.02 miles