Site of Newdigate Colliery, Market End, Bedworth
Newdigate Colliery stood on this site and mined coal from 1901 to 1982. It took its name from the owners of the Arbury estate, which owns the land. The above-ground buildings of the colliery stood in the field on the right hand side of this picture, as can be seen in Ordnance Survey maps of the period. https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=16&lat=52.48152&lon=-1.51019&layers=6&right=ESRIWorld
There is no trace of these buildings above ground today. The site is now a field with a linear wood running along the northern edge, which marks the northern side of the route of the mineral line which carried coal to the rail network and to the Coventry Canal. The woman and her dog visible in this photo are walking along a path that follows the line of the railway towards Bedworth. Parts of the site have been redeveloped with housing and the estate has proposed more in this area.
Image: © A J Paxton
Taken: 25 Jul 2021
0.03 miles
Mine monitoring, Market End, Bedworth
Monitoring device on land just to the east of the site of Newdigate Colliery, which closed in 1982. The houses look rather as if they are watching nervously from behind their fence to see what happens next. More housing is proposed for the field in the foreground.
Image: © A J Paxton
Taken: 25 Jul 2021
0.08 miles
Site of Newdigate Colliery, looking towards Arbury Lane and modern housing beyond
Newdigate Colliery closed in 1982 and almost all traces of it have been removed. The photo shows the view from what would have been the south side of the main colliery buildings along the approach road from Astley Lane. More housing has been proposed for this site.
Image: © A J Paxton
Taken: 25 Jul 2021
0.08 miles
Housing to the east of the site of Newdigate Colliery
A view across what would have been fields to the east of Newdigate Colliery, which closed in 1982. The eastern part of the site has been redeveloped with housing, and there are proposals for more on the land in the foreground of the photo.
Image: © A J Paxton
Taken: 25 Jul 2021
0.11 miles
Field turning to woodland to east of the site of Newdigate Colliery
A large field to the east of the site of Newdigate Colliery, which closed in 1982. We are deep in the Bedworth bush here, where the grassland is being colonised by willows and is gradually turning into a wood. The Bedworth water tower can be seen on the horizon.
Image: © A J Paxton
Taken: 17 Jul 2021
0.19 miles
Field to the east of Newdigate Colliery site
Newdigate Colliery extracted coal from 1901 to 1982 and was built on land belonging to the Arbury estate. https://www.ourwarwickshire.org.uk/content/article/newdigate-colliery The colliery buildings, spoil heaps and railways have since been removed and the site landscaped, but little of it has been developed, except for some areas of housing on the south side of the site along Arbury Lane.
Here we are looking east across the eastern part of the site, which according to Ordnance Survey maps was always agricultural land or woodland. https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=16&lat=52.48152&lon=-1.51019&layers=6&right=ESRIWorld It is now a prairie with a view over the town of Bedworth to the east. The Bedworth water tower, a prominent local landmark, can be seen to the right, buildings in the town centre to its left.
Image: © A J Paxton
Taken: 17 Jul 2021
0.22 miles
Housing at Marriott Road, Bedworth
These are 'Cornish' style houses - for further details of this type of house see the description on
Image: © John Brightley
Taken: 11 Sep 2010
0.22 miles
Sign for the Plough Inn, Bedworth
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 11 Mar 2017
0.23 miles
Site of Newdigate Colliery, Bedworth, seen from the north
Newdigate Colliery produced coal from 1901 to 1982. It was built on land belonging to the Arbury estate and took its name from the family that has owned it since the 16th century. Since its closure almost all traces of the colliery have disappeared, apart from the mineral railway, the route of which can still be discerned, though the track has long since been removed. https://www.ourwarwickshire.org.uk/content/article/newdigate-colliery
Ordnance Survey maps from the early 20th century show a brickworks on the site of the grassland in this photo. It had gone by mid-century, later maps depicting rail sidings fanning out into the area in the foreground and a large spoil heap to the east, at the left hand side of this view. https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=16&lat=52.48338&lon=-1.51371&layers=6&right=ESRIWorld
Since the closure of the colliery a linear wood has grown up on the north side of the main mineral line, running east to west; it can be seen here on the horizon. The buildings of the mine stood beyond it.
Image: © A J Paxton
Taken: 17 Jul 2021
0.23 miles
The Plough Inn, Bedworth
On Smorrall Lane.
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 11 Mar 2017
0.24 miles