Rodney Road - Mitcham
Image: © James Emmans
Taken: 11 May 2020
0.02 miles
Miles Road
Victorian terrace housing.
Image: © James Emmans
Taken: 11 May 2020
0.07 miles
Mitcham parish churchyard
The historic graveyard of
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 16 Feb 2008
0.11 miles
Bricked up building, Mitcham churchyard
By one of the churchyard entrances, all windows and doors, except one vehicle sized doorway in the left-hand end, are bricked up. The wall facing the street is plain.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 1 Apr 2012
0.11 miles
Mitcham churchyard: former mortuary
The building looked to me to be out of keeping with churchyard buildings and possibly the right size and style for a London Electricity Board substation of the 1930s (or thereabouts). However I have since been informed by someone who used to live nearby that it was the mortuary including "slabs where the bodies were laid out for inspection after death". There was a separate cemetery chapel, which has now been demolished, and the mortuary is now disused with the windows bricked up.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 13 Jan 2010
0.11 miles
Boundary Business Court
One of two similar buildings fronting Church Road. They feature prominent spiral fire escapes.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 1 Apr 2012
0.12 miles
Mitcham churchyard: graves (2)
The northern part of the churchyard, looking east.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 13 Jan 2010
0.12 miles
The churchyard, Mitcham parish church, in winter - with conker tree
Looking eastwards from near the north-west corner of this vast churchyard, as the light faded on a December afternoon. The tree in the foreground is a horse-chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum. This one looks reasonably healthy, but it has to be said that conker trees in the London area are seriously blighted. The species is not native, and so is less intimately woven into the ecological fabric than our native ash - but here in the London area its loss is going to be far more noticeable.
For more on the factors involved in the demise of the horse-chestnut, see
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 2 Dec 2012
0.12 miles
The Wheatsheaf
Not a pub but 'Your local convenience store'. Although not looking much like an ex-pub, reference to old maps shows that there was indeed a pub here, in the same block as houses to the left. These have now been demolished. Presumably the pub was called The Wheatsheaf.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 1 Apr 2012
0.13 miles
The churchyard, Mitcham parish church
The eastern end of the churchyard, looking towards Love Lane. The churchyard is vast, and its size must have to do with the fact that the Wandle valley was the site of much early industrialisation - with the old Surrey Iron railway passing nearby.
Photo taken on the afternoon of a gloomy, chilly day in December - the frost on the path had persisted all day.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 2 Dec 2012
0.13 miles