Orangefield Park, Belfast
Part of the northern end of Orangefield Park, looking down towards Orangefield Green.
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 31 Dec 2011
0.04 miles
The Knock River, Belfast - August 2014(2)
The Knock River, after very heavy rain for most of today, looking downstream towards the Orangefield Lane footbridge. The effects of heavy rain will continue to be obvious until the entire Connswater Greenway drainage/flood prevention scheme has been completed.
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 2 Aug 2014
0.05 miles
Flood alleviation works, Orangefield Park, Belfast (1)
The present course of the Knock River, looking upstream, at Orangefield Lane/Orangefield Green. The works on the right are part of the flood alleviation scheme which includes the diversion of the river to a new course, slightly further south, through what was previously grass. The affected stretch is (approximately) from here to Sandhill Park.
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 5 Oct 2013
0.05 miles
New seating area, Orangefield Park, Belfast (November 2014)
A new seating area between this footbridge
Image and the Orangefield Lane entrance.
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 8 Nov 2014
0.05 miles
New bridge, Orangefield Lane, Belfast (2)
The new bridge, across the Knock River
Image, at Orangefield Lane – part of the Connswater Greenway flood alleviation scheme in this area. This is the entrance from Orangefield Lane (background) to the park and has been closed for several weeks during the work. At least one dog-walker arrived, during my visit, apparently unaware of the closure.
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 17 Nov 2012
0.05 miles
The Knock River, Belfast - May 2014(3)
Water plants, in the realigned Knock River, at Orangefield Park – an unexpected and welcome feature. Continue to
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 10 May 2014
0.06 miles
Flood alleviation works, Orangefield Park, Belfast (12)
The view, across the new footbridge, towards Orangefield Lane. The Knock River now flows under it - from right to left. In the words of the official website: “Orangefield Park is about to be transformed, with work to divert the Knock River along a new channel, to take place today - Tuesday 28th January 2014. The River, which currently flows along the edge of the park, adjacent to many properties have been affected by flooding in the past, will be diverted into the heart of the park as a key component of the flood alleviation element of an integrated project under way in the area . . . . . Work in the park began last May 2013, with 40,000 tonnes of soil being moved to create the new river channel and naturalised flood plain. The permanent diversion of the river, along with other flood defences, means that there will soon be a high level of flood protection for the properties situated adjacent to the river, including Orangefield Park, Orangefield Green and Sandhill Park”.
Image shows the same view in December 2011 long before work started on the scheme.
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 1 Feb 2014
0.06 miles
Footbridge, Orangefield Park, Belfast (July 2014)
The footbridge, across the new course of the Knock River, which replaced this one
Image (December 2011). It can also be seen, during construction, in
Image (October 2013). The fencing has now been removed allowing access to the riverbank but there is still some landscaping to be done.
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 12 Jul 2014
0.06 miles
The Knock River, Orangefield Park, Belfast - November 2014(3)
The Knock River, flowing from left to right, at this footbridge
Image Despite the recent heavy rain
Image it was at a low level thanks to the recent flood alleviation works
Image (November 2012) and
Image (October 2013).
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 8 Nov 2014
0.06 miles
The Knock River, Belfast - May 2014(1)
The Knock River, in Orangefield Park, seen through the contractor’s safety fence. The new path is at the bottom. The banks are being planted.
Image: © Albert Bridge
Taken: 10 May 2014
0.06 miles