Staines Road at the junction of Manoel Road
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 9 Oct 2018
0.03 miles
Shell petrol station on Staines Road, Hanworth
Looking towards Hospital Bridge Road
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 21 Oct 2013
0.06 miles
Portugal Close, Twickenham
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 9 Oct 2018
0.14 miles
Is it a pizza? Was it a UFO?
No, it's a fungus. Found amongst leaf litter by the River Crane, a little way below Hospital Bridge. At first sight I mistook this object for discarded food, but on looking more closely realised that it was a huge fungus, apparently growing from the roots of a horse-chestnut tree. My friend ceridwen, who knows her onions, suggests the genera Fomes or Ganoderma.
At a guess, this object was about 60cm (2 feet) across - my boot is size 42 (aka 8).
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 17 Jan 2012
0.16 miles
Lisbon Avenue, Twickenham
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 9 Oct 2018
0.17 miles
The River Crane below Hospital Bridge, in January
The view is downstream.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 17 Jan 2012
0.17 miles
Emergent vegetation, River Crane
What these plants were in life, I don't know - reeds of some kind, I imagine. Their mortal remains seemed insect-like, putting me in mind of a flotilla of extra-terrestrial pond-skaters.
If this image is at all puzzling, take a look at the left foreground in
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 17 Jan 2012
0.17 miles
Art Deco, Semi-detached
This is beside the London Loop long distance path on one of its roadside sections.
Deco enthusiasts can find quite a lot of similar places around here in these areas of extensive 1930s development, although mostly the architecture is more like the houses on the right.
These two are on a corner, giving a bit more view from the wrap-round windows.
The following is taken from a site called London footprints:-
"The inter-war period saw the development of large areas of surburbia. Some was in the moderne style but this was less popular than the 'Jacobethan' although some of these houses managed to incorporate Art Deco motifs, especially the sunray. On the same theme the moderne houses featured wrap-around 'suntrap' windows although the internal layouts were the same as in the Jacobethan houses. They may have been less favoured because of the impracticality of their flat roofs, metal windows and white finished exteriors. Flats with streamlined styling were offering a lifestyle and some had communal facilities. The best Art Deco homes are probably those designed for a client such as Eltham Palace."
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 13 Nov 2011
0.17 miles
River Crane
This is an artificial cut, the bypass to the former Fulwell Mills (paper). The far bank is a long island with the natural river course (where the mills were) beyond. Both branches continue to take flow via weirs.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 14 Sep 2012
0.19 miles
Art deco houses, Willow Way
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 3 Jan 2010
0.19 miles