Flowers in Dedworth Road
A nice bit of floral colour along a fairly average suburban street.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 30 Jul 2017
0.08 miles
St. John's Drive, Windsor
St. John's Drive is a residential cul-de-sac in Windsor.
This image was taken in the late afternoon on a bright and sunny February day. The sun was low in the sky, casting long shadows.
Image: © Malc McDonald
Taken: 27 Feb 2022
0.11 miles
Windsor: Clewer War Memorial
The memorial is on the north side of Dedworth Road, to the east of the entrance to the Memorial Recreation Ground.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 28 Nov 2010
0.17 miles
Pirate ship for the kids
Part of the play area in Clewer Recreation Ground.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 1 Feb 2023
0.17 miles
Windsor: The former St John's Orphanage, Clewer
The photographer has to confess to being somewhat mystified by this Gothic extravaganza. It is obviously of some architectural interest and a search of the English Heritage Listed Buildings website gives the following description:
St Annes House Convent of St John The Baptist
1853, architect Henry Woodyer. Gothic. H plan. 2 storeys and attic, red brick. Steep pitch tiled roof. South front has casement windows. One bay window of 5 pointed lights ground floor. 3 narrow gablets above as dormers. 4 circular chimneys rising from 1st floor and made to look like medieval bartisans with circular shafts. 3 wider dormers between these."
In this a gablet is a small gable while a bartisan or bartizan is a small turret projecting from a wall, and we are looking at the south front.
Yet looking at old large scale Victorian Ordnance Survey maps the building is consistently described in each succeeding edition as St John's Orphanage. But would an architect be employed to build such a quirky structure for an orphanage?
It now appears to be called "Recognition House".
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 28 Nov 2010
0.20 miles
Old shop for sale, Dedworth Road
A former electronics shop is on the market. Maybe they'll take that frontage off and restore the terrace.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 1 Feb 2023
0.21 miles
Oak Lane, Clewer
A quiet street of traditional old terrace housing.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 1 Feb 2023
0.22 miles
Hanover Way, Dedworth
The houses here are typical of this part of Dedworth. Far newer flats can be glimpsed in the distance, at the point where Hanover Way turns east to meet Vale Road. Hanover Way continues south to the photographer's right; however, traffic approaching along Dedworth Drive (foreground) has right of way.
Image: © Richard Vince
Taken: 6 Apr 2013
0.23 miles
Windsor: The Bell, Clewer
Another boarded up pub, this is the former Bell on Dedworth Road in Clewer.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 28 Nov 2010
0.25 miles