Fox Hill in the snow
The steepest part of the hill (20%), where every hard winter you can guarantee that a car will lose control going downhill and slide into the sign at the entrance to Jenson Way, and/or another car going uphill will lose adhesion and be abandoned by the driver for however many hours it takes for the thaw to set in.
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 13 Jan 2010
0.00 miles
Fox Hill - Steep Hill 20%
Fox Hill, Crystal Palace. 20% steep hill up sign.
Image: © Adam Morse
Taken: 13 Jul 2009
0.01 miles
Fox Hill in the snow; pillar box
A similar viewpoint to Pissarro's famous "Fox Hill in snow" painting in the National Gallery, though the pillar box is new!
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 13 Jan 2010
0.02 miles
Fox Hill in the snow
Taken from about the location Pissarro used for his painting in the National Gallery, but looking downhill rather than up.
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 1 Dec 2010
0.02 miles
Fox Hill in the snow
The building furthest off is the old Fox Lane Farm, one of the few buildings on the hill that would already have been standing when Pissarro painted the hill in snow (a painting to be found in the National Gallery and reproduced on a lot of walls in SE19).
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 8 Jan 2009
0.02 miles
East Surrey Iron Works drain grid, Fox Hill
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 18 May 2013
0.03 miles
Fox Hill: Penge boundary sign
Unusually, the border between administrative areas here runs not down the middle of the road but along the garden frontage. The road and houses on its southern side lies in the borough of Croydon; the houses and gardens to the north lie in the borough of Bromley. Prior to 1965 this was the border between Croydon in Surrey and the borough of Penge in Kent. Penge in its turn was, originally, a detached portion ("hamlet") of the parish of Battersea, an arrangement going back to medieval land ownership patterns.
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 14 Jul 2009
0.05 miles
Memorial tree for Bob Godfrey, Fox Hill SE19
The little sapling seen here was planted in memory of the animator Bob Godfrey (1921-2013) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Godfrey], according to a notice pinned to the protective fence that has now fallen off. It replaced the large oak seen leaning over the road in
Image, which was taken down on safety grounds in 2013.
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 10 Nov 2014
0.05 miles
Memorial tree for Bob Godfrey, Fox Hill SE19
The little sapling seen here was planted in memory of the animator Bob Godfrey (1921-2013) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Godfrey], according to a notice pinned to the protective fence that has now fallen off. It replaced the large oak seen leaning over the road in
Image, which was taken down on safety grounds in 2013.
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 10 Nov 2014
0.05 miles
Reynard Close and the back gardens of houses on Fox Hill
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 11 Dec 2010
0.05 miles