James Walker
The engineer of The Greenland Dock and engineer for the Surrey Commercial Docks 1810-62.
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Walker_%28engineer%29
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 7 Jul 2013
0.01 miles
James Walker, Engineer
A bust on a stone pillar by the edge of Greenland Dock commemorates a former President of the Institution of Civil Engineers. His local connection was that he worked on building the Surrey Commercial Docks, remaining as engineer to the Surrey Commercial Dock Company until his death in 1862.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 22 May 2010
0.03 miles
Memorial to Barry Mason
This sculpture on the edge of Greenland Dock is in the shape of a bicycle with a cormorant perched on it. It was unveiled on 16 August 2013, and is a tribute to Barry Mason (1950-2011) who was for many years a campaigner for cycling issues in Southwark borough, as well as having worked for the local council.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 21 Aug 2013
0.03 miles
Memorial to Michael Caine and Phyllis Pearsall
This bench with attached metal sculpture on the edge of Greenland Dock was unveiled on 16 August 2013. It commemorates two local people, one famous (Sir Michael Caine, actor) and one less well known (Phyllis Pearsall, who compiled the first London A-Z in 1935 and therefore worthy of honour by Geographers).
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 21 Aug 2013
0.03 miles
Rotherhithe: Former Russia Dock entrance
This is a view showing the entrance to the former Russia Dock from Greenland Dock. The latter is up the ramp and beyond the dam in the distance, while the brick abutments of the dock entrance are visible to the left and right. At one time, prior to the large extension of the Greenland Dock around 1900, the southern end of the Russia Dock was exited here through a lock into the Surrey Canal.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 24 May 2019
0.03 miles
Approaching Greenland Dock
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 2 Jul 2017
0.03 miles
Junction of Quebec Road and Redriff Road, London
Taken: 1 Jul 2012
0.03 miles
Rotherhithe: 1 and 3, Brunswick House
On Redriff Road.
Image: © Dr Neil Clifton
Taken: 15 Jun 2012
0.03 miles
Bridge mechanism, Greenland Dock Cut, Redriff Road
The cut that this hydraulically operated swing bridge crossed has completely disappeared. Indeed, practically the entire Surrey Dock complex has gone. This bridge is of about 1890 vintage. The chains pass to a pair of hydraulic cylinders (one to open and one to close). This is quite overgrown and our guide for the day said that he had walked past it about ten times before noticing it.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 21 Aug 2011
0.03 miles
Sir William Gomm public house (site of)
Site of that was in Commercial Street, Rotherhithe, SE16 (long demolished) from 1857 to 1873.Named after Sir William Maynard Gomm (1784-1875) Lord of the manor of Rotherhithe from 1822 until his death. Claimed that it was close to the dock and bought by the dock authorities when it was decided to lengthen Greenland Dock. Only one 'reasonable' place for its location on an 1868 map and by superimposing that map with a 1916 map (same scale) = position shown. Yellow lines indicate the path of Commercial Street. 50 yards behind me is the 'Moby Dick' pub. A second Sir W.G. pub was built in 1832 in Abbeyfield Road, SE16.
Image: © Chris Lordan
Taken: 19 Aug 2011
0.03 miles