Inscription on Garstang Bridge
The bridge was built in the early 19C, and widened on the north-east side in the 20C. It has two segmental arches and central triangular cutwaters with pedestrian refuges above them. It seems that Lancashire bridges often have the name of the bridge inscribed on them. In this case the word 'Lancashire' before 'C.C.' has been lost, presumably when the bridge was widened.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 14 May 2007
0.06 miles
Boundary inscription on Garstang Bridge
Barnacre with Bonds on the left (no doubt these were once separate townships, but were established as a joint civil parish in 1866); Garstang on the right. The photograph shows the central pedestrian refuge, built on top of the cutwater.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 14 May 2007
0.06 miles
Water channel next to Garstang Bridge
This connects to the river, and presumably carries surface water. But why the penstock arrangement next to the bridge? The change in the river wall marks one end of the former weir for Garstang Mill (Corn), as shown on a map of 1893.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 14 May 2007
0.06 miles
Cornmill Residential Nursing Home
In the 13th century there was a Fulling Mill on this site, processing cloth from the Cockersand Abbey Estate. This converted corn mill was unusual in having a horizontal wheel, housed in the basement. A public footpath runs through the arch.
Image: © Bob Jenkins
Taken: 4 Feb 2009
0.06 miles
Old Boundary Marker by the B6430, Bond's Lane
Parish Boundary Marker by the B6430 (was A6), in parish of Barnacre with Bonds (Wyre District), Bond's Lane; by No 24 at end of boundary wall, in pavement with back to stone boundary wall, West side of road.
Milestone Society National ID: LA_PSGS10pb
Image: © Milestone Society
Taken: Unknown
0.07 miles
Bonds Lane, St Mary and St Michael's Church
St Mary and St Michael's Roman Catholic Church, on Bonds Lane in Garstang, was built in 1858 to replace the smaller church on Back Lane (now Park Hill Road).
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 26 Jul 2011
0.07 miles
Bonds Lane in Garstang
Image: © Steve Daniels
Taken: 16 Jun 2022
0.07 miles
Bonds Lane/Garstang Bridge
Looking along Bonds Lane, across Garstang Bridge.
Until 1926, when the first by-pass was built, this was the route of the main north to south road (the A6) which ran through the town and over the River Wyre at the stone bridge. It formed the 'Drove Road' for Highland Cattle being walked from Scotland to markets in the midlands and London.
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 26 Jul 2011
0.08 miles
The B6340 road in Garstang.
The road is running past St. Mary's and St. Michaels' Church, completely hidden by the trees on the right of the photograph.
Image: © James Denham
Taken: 27 Oct 2008
0.08 miles
The Church Inn, Bonds
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 16 Nov 2013
0.08 miles