Wilding Road, Wallingford
Some of the local authority built housing on the northern edge of the town.
Image: © Andrew Smith
Taken: 18 May 2019
0.01 miles
Wigod Way Christian Centre
This poor little chapel didn't have a very long life.
There are already a lot of churches in Wallingford. I suppose this was too tucked away on the edge of town to get enough congregation.
It's pronounced "wye god" by the way.
Update:- The chapel has recently been acquired for conversion to a young people's centre.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 3 Jan 2010
0.03 miles
Blackstone Road
Judge William Blackstone, 1723 - 1780, Oxford academic, MP, author of "Commentaries on the laws of England" and all round good chap, was one of Wallingford's most famous residents www.berkshirehistory.com/bios/wblackstone.HTML
It only seems fair that he should have a road named after him.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 2 Jan 2010
0.07 miles
St. Georges Green, Wallingford
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 16 Feb 2014
0.08 miles
Wallingford's Shortest Footpath?
Shown on the map as following the edge of a school field to Castle Street at the other end, the path is no longer in existence beyond the 20 metres or so visible here, where bushes take over.
For a long time there has been a road following the same route a short distance away, and the path is redundant but I guess nobody has gone through the rigmarole of officially closing it. There is even a recent looking signpost at this end, as seen here.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 27 Feb 2021
0.09 miles
Blackstone Road in Wallingford
Image: © Steve Daniels
Taken: 17 Mar 2011
0.09 miles
Benchmark on #79 Nicholas Road
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark, on 4th and 5th bricks above ground and left of a wooden gatepost, described on the Bench Mark Database at http://www.bench-marks.org.uk/bm23444
Image: © Roger Templeman
Taken: 20 Dec 2013
0.12 miles
#79 St Nicholas Road
There is an OS benchmark
Image on the near corner of the house left of the wooden gatepost for the metal gate
Image: © Roger Templeman
Taken: 20 Dec 2013
0.12 miles
Empty Field with Kites
A rather blurry, low light picture of over 15 Red Kites circling over this empty field to the north of Wallingford.
It's hard to believe these birds were once on the brink of extinction. In fact they were extinct in this area prior to their very successful reintroduction.
This large field is currently one of the sites on the edge of town attracting the unwelcome gaze of house builders.
Tell them it's a nature reserve with rare birds on it.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 2 Jan 2010
0.14 miles
Doyley Road, Wallingford
Residential Wallingford stops at these field gates at the end of Doyley Road, a short street with around half a dozen houses.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 22 Jun 2011
0.14 miles