Drummond Avenue
Image: © Alex McGregor
Taken: 31 Jul 2013
0.12 miles
Bridge over the Ouse Dyke, Chandos Street
The road rises considerably to cross what is quite a small stream. There is a bench mark http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5024102on the parapet to the left.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 4 Jul 2016
0.12 miles
Dunstan Street, Netherfield
Image: © Richard Vince
Taken: 11 Feb 2014
0.12 miles
Bench mark, Bridge over the Ouse Dyke, Chandos Street
See http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5024100 for location.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 4 Jul 2016
0.13 miles
Housing on Cross Street, Gedling
The house at this end of the terrace appears to have been a corner shop in the past.
Image: © Richard Vince
Taken: 11 Feb 2014
0.13 miles
Looking east from carlton Station
On the Nottingham to Lincoln line. The station was formerly called Carlton and Netherfield and is in Netherfield rather than Carlton. The renaming distinguishes it from Netherfield Station, formerly Netherfield and Colwick.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 2 Feb 2009
0.19 miles
Bus on Chandos Street, Netherfield – 1986
In the run-up to the deregulation of bus services in October 1986, City of Nottingham Transport introduced a series of ‘Accessline’ services using small buses to reach areas that could not be served by full size buses. The idea was that these areas would not be attractive to possible competitors after deregulation and that passengers would be attracted to use these localised services rather than walk to main roads. These services were never economically viable and in most cases services were withdrawn soon after deregulation and have not been replaced since.
Chandos Street is one of the few sections where a limited service has been maintained, although the route is substantially different from the Accessline service.
The railway bridge carried the line up to Gedling Colliery, at that time still operational. Originally it formed part of the Great Northern Railway’s very roundabout route from Nottingham to Derby, via Colwick, Basford, and Ilkeston.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 1 May 1986
0.20 miles
Curzon Street, Netherfield
Taken specifically for comparison with the image in Domesday Reloaded http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/domesday/dblock/GB-460000-339000/picture/1 . As the caption there states, this is a typical Netherfield Street, and it took a bit of research to decide exactly which street it was. The taller building just visible further down the left hand side of the street in the older picture (possibly industrial premises) has now been replaced with more modern housing.
The main change is the increase in the number of parked cars.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 24 May 2011
0.21 miles
Railway bridge, Emerys Road
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 15 Mar 2010
0.22 miles
Stoke Lane allotments
Seen from the footpath which alongside the western edge.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 24 May 2010
0.22 miles