Illegal Alien
This unfriendly looking character was amongst the more usual 'tag' type graffiti on the A406 footbridge over the Northern Line. The bright sunlight shows off the mix of cement and stones forming the concrete parapet well.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 16 Nov 2007
0.02 miles
North Circular Road Sign
This sign, after cutting back of the shrubs, is currently visible. Once they grow back in the spring it will again become invisible and therefore useless to motorists on the North Circular Road. Traffic on the North Circular is visible beyond, crossing over the Northern Line.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 14 Jan 2009
0.02 miles
North Circular Road by Rosemary Avenue
Before it became a six lane dual carriageway, the A406 had wide grass verges and pavements on both sides of the road. Parking for the houses in the photo was in garages behind and access to the A406 was via pavement crossings - one is visible just behind the bus. Rosemary Avenue connected with the A406 here, you can see the junction just behind the green car on the right. This photo would now be impossible as I would be standing in the middle of the carriageway. The grass opposite is now Tangle Tree Close, which connects with Rosemary Avenue. There is a wall between the close and the A406 shielding the houses from some of the noise.
The bus is RF419, an AEC Regal, running on the eastbound 212 from Dollis Hill to Palmers Green. The route was a result of splitting the unreliable 112 route. Subsequently, it was diverted to Brent Cross at the western end and became the 232.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: Unknown
0.03 miles
Long Lane Pasture
Looking across the south-western end of the pasture. The foreground sign gives details of prominent local buildings that are visible from this viewpoint (although some are not visible in summer being hidden by the trees in leaf). Long Lane Pasture is currently open daily from 10:00 until Sundown. Please see the Long Lane Pasture website at http://www.longlanepasture.org/index.html .
Beyond the hedge are Pointall's Allotments. The houses in the distance are on Squires Lane. Behind them are the two office blocks belonging to Pentland, and just to the left of the left hand block is Central House in Finchley Central.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 13 May 2015
0.03 miles
Footbridge over the Northern Line
The footbridge carries the path alongside the A406 North Circular Road, which is behind the brick wall on the right. The concrete wall provides a popular site for graffiti. The shields, there is another at the far end, carry the middlesex crest and I believe were retained from the previous bridge that carried the A406 over the Northern Line - there used to be one in the centre of the bridge on each side of the road but there is no longer any footpath on the other side.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 16 Nov 2007
0.03 miles
North Circular Road
Cars approach the summit of the climb from Henly's Corner at the bridge over the Northern Line, on which I am standing. The tunnel they have just passed through carries East End Road over the A406. It used to be the Manor Cottage roundabout - named after the pub that stood on the corner- and was the summit of the climb in the past. The houses on the left are on Briar Close. The Traffic jam on the westbound carriageway is the result of a single lane closure at Henly's Corner. The two poles visible in the photo are eruv markers. An eruv is a contiguous boundary denoted by string or natural markers (such as in this case, the Northern Line) that enables Orthodox Jews to carry items or push baby strollers within its borders during the Sabbath. The string between the poles is too thin to show in the photo.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 14 Jan 2009
0.03 miles
The Last Flower
Illuminated by afternoon sunshine a last Bristly Ox Tongue bud waits its turn to open, surrounded by the seedheads of earlier blossoms. Photograph taken at Long Lane Pasture.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 18 Oct 2015
0.04 miles
Green Alkanet
Pentaglottis sempervirens - A very hairy member of the Borage family growing in Long Lane Pasture. This perennial species can be quite variable as there are cultivated varieties that escape from gardens.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 13 May 2015
0.04 miles
Hedgerow Cranesbill
Geranium pyrenaicum - A perennial wild flower usually found on banks, verges and adjacent to hedgerows; photographed in Long Lane Pasture. Along with other members of the Geranium family, the Cranesbill name stems from the seed head which resembles a Crane's beak.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 13 May 2015
0.04 miles
Rosemary Avenue
Glorious autumn colours on a Maple and a Cherry tree, accentuated in the dull light of a wet day, put the Limes beyond to shame. A postman can be seen on the right hand pavement delivering the mail.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 13 Nov 2009
0.04 miles