Behind The Wire
A new fence and the metal supports for an advertising hoarding lend an embattled feel to this small group of terraced houses on the A1000. The original hoarding has been replaced with another - out of shot to the right and the ground inside the fence has been cleared in preparation for a new development. I wonder how long the houses will survive. Beyond is the Big Yellow self store warehouse.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 8 Oct 2007
0.01 miles
Big Yellow Storage on East Finchley High Road
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 20 Mar 2013
0.01 miles
Self storage
Newly built and opened, this self storage building stands on the A1000 High Road beside the A406 North Circular Road. Formerly, there was a car dealers premises on the site, but this was closed and subsequently demolished when the North Circular Road was widened to 6 lanes. Self storage seems to be a growth industry - there is another premises just 400 yards further north on the A1000.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 2 May 2006
0.02 miles
North Circular Road, A406
Looking anticlockwise.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 6 Apr 2013
0.05 miles
Tarling Road Estate
Block of flats with balconies on alternating sides. The entrance is located on the side facing away from the road. There is a parking area for the residents out of shot on the right.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 3 Oct 2008
0.06 miles
Northbound In The Snow
Traffic crawls along the A1000 in Finchley during a snowstorm which will lay down 6 inches of snow in around 4 hours. It was quicker to travel on foot than by car as none of the roads had been gritted. The density of falling snow is such that even the Big Yellow Storage Warehouse is almost hidden.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 18 Dec 2010
0.06 miles
Discarded Can
A discarded lager can rests on the council's easy maintenance shrubs beside the A1000. Behind is the Green Man community centre, named after the public house that used to grace the site. Some of the leaves are changing to their autumn colours.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 8 Oct 2007
0.06 miles
Fire on the North Circular at East Finchley, August 1990
Some youths had deliberately set alight a wheelie bin outside the Mobil petrol station on the North Circular Road (A406) at the East Finchley High Road (A1000) junction in August 1990. Next door is the Grays MOT centre, formerly Glanfield Lawrence, built in the 1930s. This building has now disappeared and the location itself has changed completely since the North Circular Road was widened and rebuilt as a flyover over this section in 1994.
Image: © Alexander Barison
Taken: 19 Aug 1990
0.07 miles
The A406 North Circular Road
This is the North Circular road looking west close to its junction with the A1000 Finchley High Road which passes over on a fly over.
Image: © Nigel Mykura
Taken: 24 Aug 2014
0.07 miles
BP petrol station on the North Circular Road
This was originally Glanfield Lawrence before the widening of the road in 1992
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 4 Nov 2017
0.07 miles