Barkingside: Pert Cottages
Two separate terraced blocks make up these former artisans' cottages, which were built in 1860 on the north side of Tanners Lane when Barking Side, as it was then known, was just a rural community. Several of these are Grade II Listed Buildings. Although contemporary with each other the two blocks are completely different with the tall angled chimneys of the block on the right giving a much older Tudor appearance.
The old Ordnance Survey map of 1864 shows the cottages and also some other similar structures immediately to the west along Tanners Lane and shown as Vaughan and Clifton Cottages. Of these not a trace can be seen today. The old map also shows how the front gardens of Pert Cottages stretched right to left in the photograph across the present day Sandringham Gardens, which was only built during the inter-war residential development of the area.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 25 Apr 2011
0.05 miles
Pert Cottages, Tanners Lane, Barkingside
These former artisans' cottages were built in 1860 and are grade II-listed. One of them hosts a museum which is not normally open to the public but was open to the public as part of the London Open Weekend three weeks ago. Looking north-northeast.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 6 Oct 2012
0.05 miles
Pert Cottages, Tanners Lane, Barkingside #2
This half of the block has much older chimneys than the block further back from the road, giving both a vintage and a more contemporary look to the cottages. Looking south-southeast. The Barnardo's headquarters can be seen in the background.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 6 Oct 2012
0.07 miles
Access road to Barkingside Sainsbury's store
The Sainsbury's store on Tanners Lane at its junction with the A123 Cranbrook Road and Barkingside High Street has its own private access road for staff to park their cars and deliveries (namely Sainsbury's lorries) to gain easy access to the rear of the store. I do think, however, that parking cars here is a very poor idea as there have been several collisions of Sainsbury's lorries with the lamp posts which light the road. I took this more for the lamp posts, but thought that this image was worthy to use as a Geograph. View taken from Baron Gardens looking south-southeast towards Tanners Lane (the Sainsbury's store is the greyish building behind the trees in the background).
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 7 Jun 2009
0.09 miles
Entrance to Barnardo's and Barkingside Magistrates Court
This is the Tanners Lane entrance to the headquarters of the children's charity Barnardo's and Barkingside Magistrates Court (out of shot to the left). The entrance into the Barnardo's residences is controlled by barriers (which can just be seen in the background). View taken looking south-southeast towards Tesco.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 12 Aug 2008
0.10 miles
Church on Tanners Lane, viewed from Carlton Drive
This is the view that greets you as you leave the access road to Barkingside tube station. The church is on Tanners Lane just before its name changes to Horns Road and is viewed from the junction of Carlton Drive, Station Road, Crown Road and Carlton Court, looking north-east.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 1 Oct 2009
0.10 miles
Shops on Barkingside High Street
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 9 May 2021
0.10 miles
View of street art above Fashion Nails (originally the Mayfair Stationers) on Barkingside High Street
Looking south-southeast.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 12 Sep 2017
0.11 miles
Streetlight replacement scheme on Barkingside High Street
During the summer of 2008, Barkingside High Street received a street light replacement scheme to coincide with the installing of CCTV cameras. However, I can't see why this was necessary as CCTV cameras need "white" light to be able to give good colour rendition, but the light output on the older lamps was "white" anyway! The older lanterns were only installed in 2004, so they are still new! What a waste! View taken from the junction with Waverley Gardens looking south-southwest towards the Fremantle Road and Baron Gardens traffic lights.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 7 Aug 2008
0.12 miles
Children's Church, Barkingside - Stained glass window
Image: © John Salmon
Taken: 28 Jun 2017
0.12 miles