New Hey Road (A643), Rastrick
Image: © habiloid
Taken: 7 May 2022
0.01 miles
Houses on the west side of New Hey Road, Rastrick
The tall house on the left was probably built in the late 19C, but the row to the right are of the type described as late 18C or early 19C, and were either built alongside the newly-constructed turnpike road or already existed when the road was built.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 28 Feb 2017
0.01 miles
Sinamy millinery shop in the former co-op, New North Road, Rastrick
The right half of this building was the Oaks Green Co-operative store and is now the Sinamay millinery shop, named after what is one of the most popular hat-making materials, woven from the processed stalks of the abaca tree, a banana palm native to the Philippines. The ground floor windows of the house on the left have been rather drastically altered; they were originally the same type as the first-floor windows.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 28 Feb 2017
0.03 miles
St Winifred's Nursing Home, Rastrick
This has been made out of a group of buildings off the top of Crowtrees lane, next to the crossroads now 'decorated' by a double mini-roundabout. The buildings include the former house and barn of Oaks Green Farm, the land of which was built on c. 1965, ie Oaks Green Mount and Carr Green Drive, Avenue and Close.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 8 Jun 2006
0.03 miles
The Greyhound Inn, Rastrick
This is on the A643 at the top of Crowtrees Lane. The pub is dressed up for the World Cup.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 12 Jun 2006
0.03 miles
Stonelea Drive, Rastrick
This was formerly Delf Road, off the top of Delf Hill, but now has access from Crowtrees Lane. The cottages on the left were built in the 18C, and the ones on the right are of the early 19C with large flat-roofed extensions at the rear (they front onto Crowtrees Lane).
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 25 Apr 2007
0.03 miles
Cottages. Crowtrees Lane, Rastrick
These are all on the 1824 map, and likely to be of the 18C, but the ones on the left will have had new, larger, windows inserted.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 14 Dec 2007
0.03 miles
The sandwich shop, Crowtrees Lane, Rastrick
My favourite is bacon and mushroom. The Greyhound is next door, then the double-mini roundabout with Delf Hill to the right, New Hey Road straight on and Slade Lane left.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 20 Sep 2008
0.03 miles
Stonelea Drive, Crowtrees Lane, Rastrick
Although it leads to old houses, this is a modern street. The houses were on Delf Road, off Delf Hill, but that access was closed off and replaced by this one, presumably on road safety grounds.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 20 Sep 2008
0.03 miles
An' we're all crazee now!
Slade Lane in Rastrick, but I didn't see Noddy Holder hanging around.
Image: © Matthew Hatton
Taken: 29 Aug 2009
0.03 miles