Former public house on Byron Street
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 1 Mar 2014
0.00 miles
Bromley: Former Duke of Wellington public house
The array of fine dark green glazed tiles that form the frontage of this building give away its provenance as a public house. This is a former Victorian pub at the junction of St Leonards Road (in the foreground) and Byron Street, that was originally the Wellington Arms, and latterly the Duke of Wellington until converted. The 1869 edition of the Ordnance Survey map shows Byron Street and a building on this corner so it is not unreasonable to assume that the public house was existing then. At that time Byron Street, which is now a short dead end, ran through to the railway.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 19 Aug 2008
0.01 miles
Public house conversion, Byron Street
The history of the former Duke of Wellington public house is to be found at this http://www.closedpubs.co.uk/london/e14_poplar_dukeofwellington.html. Converted to residential accommodation.
Image: © Jim Osley
Taken: 13 Aug 2014
0.01 miles
St Leonards Road, South Bromley
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 1 Mar 2014
0.02 miles
The former St Leonards Arms
The former pub at the junction of Spey Street and St Leonards Road. http://deadpubs.co.uk/LondonPubs/Bromley/StLeonardsArms.shtml provides some photographs and history. The pub closed in 1999 and became flats three years later.
On the left is a war memorial, described at http://exploringeastlondon.co.uk/eel/Poplar/Poplar.htm#Warmemorial .
Image: © Derek Harper
Taken: 12 Jan 2011
0.03 miles
Bromley: St Leonard's Road
This image demonstrates the contrast between one of the few surviving blocks of the original Victorian housing in Poplar, and modern-day architects' attempts to replicate the style, meet the demands of the planning department of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, and to provide houses suitable for modern living.
The newer houses have the same design of archways, sash windows, and window lintels, while the roof parapet line has been retained at the same height, but note how the high ceilings in the rooms in the older houses must have been shortened in the newer properties as evidenced by the lower first floor windows, while partially hidden away behind the parapet of the newer houses are dormer windows indicating how the lower first floor has enabled the addition of a second floor in them.
The old houses on the left are certainly shown on the Ordnance Survey map edition of 1869.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 19 Aug 2008
0.03 miles
Bromley: Former St Leonard's public house
This is another former Victorian public house that survived the Blitz but presumably succumbed to the fall-off in trade when all the surrounding houses were demolished after the war. It is on St Leonard's Road immediately to the south of
Image, and opposite
Image The attached house on the right appears to be an unsympathetic later addition.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 19 Aug 2008
0.04 miles
War Memorial on St Leonard's Road
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 1 Mar 2014
0.04 miles
Glenkerry House, Poplar
One of three high-rise blocks in this part of Poplar built to the designs of architect Erno Goldfinger.
Image: © Jim Osley
Taken: 13 Aug 2014
0.07 miles
Former St Michael and All Angels and Vicarage, St Leonard's Road
Gothic church with polychromatic brick, large circular, traceried window, and tower with pyramidal roof. By R.W. Morris, 1864-65. Grade II listed.
Facing it is the former vicarage with a pair of symmetrical gables.
All this is 'former' because it has been converted into flats, a fact to warm the cockles of any atheist's heart.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 4 Jun 2011
0.07 miles