Captain's Pool Road, Spennells, Kidderminster
One of the main roads in this large residential estate. The road on the right is Lapwing Close. The house on the left has solar heating panels on its roof.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 29 Sep 2013
0.04 miles
Footpath off Captain's Pool Road, Spennells, Kidderminster
This footpath gives a shortcut from one loop of the road to another.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 29 Sep 2013
0.05 miles
Captain's Pool
A small lake situated on the edge of a large housing development. The lake is home to a variety of wildfowl and a popular venue for fishermen. The picture has been taken from the public footpath on the west side of the pool at SO 84732 74929.
Image: © Martyn B
Taken: 25 Mar 2005
0.13 miles
Avocet Drive, Spennells, Kidderminster
A long residential cul-de-sac with more roads off. Photographed from near its junction with Captain's Pool Road.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 29 Sep 2013
0.13 miles
Public footpath to Stanklyn Lane, Spennells, Kidderminster
The footpath skirts the edge of Kidderminster on the right, with fields on the left. It continues with fields on both sides before reaching Stanklyn Lane.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 25 Feb 2013
0.14 miles
Public bridleway near Spennells, Kidderminster
This bridleway runs along a field at the edge of the Spennells housing estate. It is rather strange that immediately behind the camera position, according to the OS map, the bridleway terminates. However two public footpaths continue from that point. So presumably a horse-rider, having reached this point, is expected to turn around and go back the way they came. There is no entry to the housing estate at this point.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 29 Sep 2013
0.14 miles
Footpath junction on edge of Spennells, Kidderminster
A path coming in from the left joins the public footpath here. The path is well-used and shown on the O.S. map but not as a public footpath. It seems however that residents of the adjacent housing estate use the path a lot, especially dog walkers.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 25 Feb 2013
0.15 miles
Barriers on public footpath near Captain's Pool, Spennells, Kidderminster
These are barriers to physically prevent the passage of horses on this public footpath, which is not a public bridleway. For the history of these, see:-
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 25 Feb 2013
0.15 miles
Entrance to Spennells Valley Nature Reserve, near Captain's Pool, Spennells, Kidderminster
The Nature reserve is on the right. The path runs between it and part of the Spennells Housing Estate on the left.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 25 Feb 2013
0.15 miles
Start of the public footpath to Stanklyn Lane, Spennells, Kidderminster
The public footpath to Stanklyn Lane sets off from this point, on the edge of Kidderminster's large Spennells Housing Estate, and by Captain's Pool. Behind the public footpath waymark, is a set of barriers designed to prevent horses being ridden along the footpath, which is not a public bridleway. For more about this, please see the link below. Just by the red dog waste bin, is the start of a footpath which runs between the edge of the housing estate and the edge of Spennells Valley Nature Reserve.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 25 Feb 2013
0.15 miles