Field with massed thistle stalks
The thistle stems are the dead remnants of the previous summer's flowering of, probably, creeping thistle. New plants will grow during the coming growing season. The trees to the right are in Kirkgate Wood.
Image: © Trevor Littlewood
Taken: 15 Jan 2022
0.12 miles
Trees above Kirkgate Wood
The nearer trees are either in the wood or just outside it. The location is just to the west of Scarcote Gill along a path through the northern side of MOD land.
Image: © Trevor Littlewood
Taken: 15 Jan 2022
0.18 miles
Path to Thorpe under Stones
One would imagine that this path sees little use as it has long been a route which doesn't easily link with others. However it does now cross a permissive path linking the Husdwell area with Downholme along the rim of the dale.
Image: © Gordon Hatton
Taken: 29 Jul 2015
0.21 miles
Thistles are what Eeyore likes best
A very thistly field close by the Hudswell to Downholme road. In the distance, across the dale is the limestone scar by Willance's leap and the masts by the Richmond to Marske old road.
Image: © Gordon Hatton
Taken: 29 Jul 2015
0.22 miles
Gate on path leading into the Swale valley
One of those field gates where you have to heave it upwards to release the catch. The path leads downhill past the house at Thorpe under Stone to reach the A6108, but there's no path leading onwards from there, and the main road wouldn't be a pleasant one to walk along. Not surprising that this path is little used.
Image: © Gordon Hatton
Taken: 3 Aug 2024
0.22 miles
Path towards Thorpe under Stone
The signage at the start of this path might seem a little intimidating with warnings about this being a military training area, but one is unlikely to come across soldiers lurking in the undergrowth or UXB's on the path, which is little used as it doesn't lead anywhere useful.
Image: © Gordon Hatton
Taken: 3 Aug 2024
0.22 miles
View across the lower end of Swaledale
Taken from a little used footpath on the south side of the valley. This contrasts with one of the most heavily used paths in the country on the far side, where the Coast to Coast route runs.
Unseen, a short way below the camera position is a permissive path which links public rights of way at Hudswell with the small village of Downholme across MOD land. I recall walking this path when it first opened, which must be at least 20 years ago. It crosses the public right of way at the corner of a wood and can be followed gradually ascending the hillside just above the wood.
Image: © Gordon Hatton
Taken: 3 Aug 2024
0.22 miles