Gibbet Hill
Waste ground behind some rather upmarket houses in southern Coventry.
Image: © Richard Webb
Taken: 8 Jan 2004
0.04 miles
Cryfield Heights
I am not sure of the purpose of this small road island on Cryfield Heights near the junction with Gibbet Hill Road. It is not a pedestrian crossing refuge, nor does it appear to be a traffic calming feature?
Note the single yellow lines at the roadside. All the residential streets in this area, being close to Warwick University, have No Parking from 8.00am to 6.00pm, presumably to stop staff and students parking for free during the day time.
Image: © David P Howard
Taken: 4 Jan 2013
0.10 miles
Cryfield Heights
A cul de sac built behind older, large detached houses on Gibbet Hill and Kenilworth Road. Although at no great height it is at a highest point locally as evidenced by the presence of a triangulation point nearby.
Image: © E Gammie
Taken: 20 Dec 2020
0.12 miles
Gibbet Hill Road
The junction of Cryfield Heights with Gibbet Hill Road, at the southern edge of the grid square.
Gibbet Hill Road, being the main road that passes through the Warwick University Campus, is double yellow lines, as seen on this photo, from the A429 Kenilworth Road junction, right past the University.
All the residential side roads, like Cryfield Heights, have double yellow lines for a few metres near the junctions, and are then single yellow lines throughout, with 8.00am to 6.00pm restrictions, presumably to stop staff and students parking for free during the day time.
Image: © David P Howard
Taken: 4 Jan 2013
0.13 miles
A429 Kenilworth Road
Looking towards the crossroads with Gibbet Hill and Stoneleigh Road. In the foreground is a marker of the boundary between Stoneleigh Parish and Coventry City at the time of the 1928 boundary extension which trebled the area of the city of Coventry from 4,147 to 12,878 acres.
Image: © E Gammie
Taken: 2 Nov 2007
0.14 miles
Gibbet Hill Road closed for gas main replacement works
Part of an extensive programme of gas main replacement works in and around Kenilworth, Gibbet Hill Road was closed completely for several weeks during the University's summer holiday period. It caused considerable inconvenience for those people who live in and around this end of Gibbet Hill Road as the only vehicle access to their properties was via the Kirby Corner end of the road. Dalehouse Lane, Kenilworth, was also closed completely, and Coventry Road, Kenilworth, also had temporary traffic lights, all at the same time.
Image: © John Brightley
Taken: 31 Aug 2010
0.14 miles
Old Boundary Marker by the A429, Kenilworth Road, Coventry parish
Parish Boundary Marker by the A429, in parish of Coventry (Coventry District), Kenilworth Road, 100m South of junction with Gibbet Hill Road, on verge, Northwest side of the road, between the drives for Nos. 138a and 140.
Inscription reads vertically:-
: STONELIGH / PARISH : : {coat of arms} : : CITY OF / COVENTRY :
Milestone Society National ID: WA_COVST2pb
Image: © Milestone Society
Taken: Unknown
0.14 miles
Gibbet Hill Road
Looking NNW along Gibbet Hill Road near the junction with Cryfield Heights.
Gibbet Hill Road, being the main road that passes through the Warwick University Campus, is double yellow lines, as seen on this photo, from the A429 Kenilworth Road junction, right past the University.
All the residential side roads, like Cryfield Heights, have double yellow lines for a few metres near the junctions, and are then single yellow lines throughout, with 8.00am to 6.00pm restrictions, presumably to stop staff and students parking for free during the day time.
Image: © David P Howard
Taken: 4 Jan 2013
0.14 miles
Old boundary marker
The text on the top of the marker reads: "The boundary of the city was extended to this point April 1st 1928 - Fred Lee Mayor"
Image: © Keith Williams
Taken: 2 May 2008
0.14 miles
Junction of Gibbet Hill Road and Kenilworth Road
Image: © Keith Williams
Taken: 2 May 2008
0.15 miles