Esplanade Gardens, Scarborough
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 20 Feb 2016
0.02 miles
Properties on Esplanade Gardens, Scarborough
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 20 Feb 2016
0.03 miles
Esplanade Gardens -seawards
Looking seawards along Esplanade Gardens towards the sea. Esplanade crosses the photograph at the far corner of the terrace. A robustly detailed terrace of stone buildings, originally houses, many now flats with a few hotels, built between 1874 and 1864
Image: © Christopher Hall
Taken: 27 Nov 2013
0.03 miles
Scarborough horse troughs; Esplanade Gardens
Public horse troughs are expressions of later C19 charitable provision. The Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association had been established in London by Samuel Gurney an MP and philanthropist and Edward Thomas Wakefield, a barrister, in 1859 to provide free drinking water. Originally called the Metropolitan Free Drinking Fountain Association it changed its name to include cattle troughs in 1867, to also support animal welfare. In the 19th century ‘cattle’ included horses. The objective of the Association was the provision of clean water for the working classes and for animals. This initiative in London was followed regionally and Scarborough, as a rapidly developing sea-side resort especially frequented by the middle classes and entrepreneurs of industrial West Yorkshire, was no exception in terms of both public drinking fountains and horse troughs.
This water polished granite trough on Esplanade Gardens is a very stylish example. The lettering reads Dedicated to God for his dumb animals
Image: © Christopher Hall
Taken: 8 Apr 2014
0.04 miles
Cliff Railway at The Spa, Scarborough
Looking down the cliff railway at The Spa, Scarborough, from the car at the top.
Image: © Mark Pitts
Taken: 3 Aug 2009
0.04 miles
Ruabon House
Magnificent Edwardian Villa on Esplanade Road in Scarborough.
Image: © David Rogers
Taken: 6 Mar 2009
0.05 miles
Buildings on Esplanade Gardens, Scarborough
Taken while sweeping the Scarborough Rock Challenge Walk.
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 10 Jan 2015
0.05 miles
Palm Trees in a pretty flower bed on Esplanade in Scarborough
These beautiful flower beds were looking at their best on a magnificent hot, sunny day when the Tour of Yorkshire cycled through Scarborough from Richmond, to finish at North Bay.
Image: © Jennifer Petrie
Taken: 5 May 2018
0.05 miles
A Pretty Flower Bed In Scarborough
Another very pretty flower bed on the Esplanade. In the distance can be seen Scarborough Castle. On this exceptionally hot and sunny day, crowds of holiday people were enjoying the beach and the sea while the Tour of Yorkshire was to finish Stage 3 at the North Bay.
Image: © Jennifer Petrie
Taken: 5 May 2018
0.05 miles
Bench mark in Prince of Wales Gardens
This bench mark is on a stone pier where one of the Prince of Wales Gardens paths exits onto Prince of Wales Terrace. Although the gardens have been laid out since Victorian times, this bench mark, which appears on the 1967 O.S. maps, seems to be different from one shown on earlier maps a short distance to the north east.
Image: © John S Turner
Taken: 6 Jul 2010
0.05 miles