Playground on North Acton Playing Field
This photo was taken on a weekday just after school finished for the day, so there are parents and children enjoying the playground.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 17 Jun 2005
0.03 miles
A.G.V.A., W3
A.G.V.A. stands for the Acton Garden Village Association in funnily enough (AG)
Alwyn Gardens, it's akin to a tenants association/social club/working men's club with no pub of any description or many shops for quite a distance, it's a wonderful little watering hole that's off the beaten track and the drinks are very reasonable too. You can play darts (they've 2 teams currently
playing on a Wednesday), pool, or football - there's numerous small pitches there. If I lived a little nearer, I wouldn't mind going there myself.
You can see the dartboard through one of the windows on the left.
Image: © Phillip Perry
Taken: 8 Sep 2010
0.05 miles
Football pitch, view to Gipsy Corner, North Acton
View north-east from the west end of the sports ground. The red building is a hotel at Gipsy Corner, closer view in
Image To its left St Gabriel's Church, green buildings beyond are new blocks of flats being built by North Acton tube station.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 19 Mar 2006
0.13 miles
Playing field, West Acton Primary School
Image for description of the school.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 30 Jul 2017
0.14 miles
Football pitch by railway goods yard, North Acton
View north-east to the back of Lowfield Road, halfway along the sports ground. The tall posts between the pitch and houses held netting, now in disrepair.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 19 Mar 2006
0.14 miles
Outdoor gym fenced off during coronavirus pandemic
A photo
Image two weeks ago shows equipment at this gym in North Acton Playing Field with tapes and notices to prohibit use. A few park users ignored the restriction, broke the tapes, and used the equipment. So now it has been fenced off. On nearby basketball equipment the hoops have been unscrewed from the back board. The road beyond is Noel Road.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 15 Apr 2020
0.14 miles
Outdoor gym closed by coronavirus precautions
The notice on the equipment says that the playing field is open but "All playgrounds, play and sports equipment and courts are closed." It adds that you should keep a safe distance from other people, keep your dog on a lead, and wash your hands on returning home.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 31 Mar 2020
0.14 miles
Signs and qr code on car for tattooing and piercing
The Smart Car for Ink'D London has signs for tattooing, piercing, and tattoo numbing cream. It displays a qr code panel for scanning on a smart phone.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 14 Aug 2021
0.14 miles
Basketball hoops, North Acton Playing Field
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 3 Aug 2017
0.14 miles
Football on North Acton recreation ground
At this time of year the recreation ground has been marked out for cricket, but there is a large area left available for informal soccer or other games. This group had full teams and had set out a full sized football pitch on a Sunday afternoon.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 14 May 2006
0.14 miles