Refrigerated grocery delivery van
After on-line orders, groceries have been put in crates for the driver to trolley to the customer's front door - no further in the time of coronavirus. The Tesco van is equipped for a mixture of frozen, refrigerated, and "larder" foods. There is an option for food in plastic bags at an extra charge, or to be loose in the crates for the customer to transfer to bags or boxes.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 10 Feb 2021
0.02 miles
Spring in North Acton, forsythia and magnolia
Many front gardens in this area have trees or shrubs colourful in spring. Some street trees also have blossom, there is a cherry with white blossom behind the tree trunk on the left.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 18 Mar 2020
0.02 miles
Baby of garden snail (Cornu aspersum) on rudbeckia flower
The diameter of the shell of the snail is about 4mm. In the photo the upper longer tentacles for vision and the lower tentacles for taste and smell can be seen. We often see and try to deter larger snails in our garden, haven't seen small ones, but recently have found four like this, all on rudbeckia petals. Subsequently we found another about twice the size. Lists of flowers that snails like seem to start with delphiniums and dahlias, which we have in the garden, but haven't seen tiny snails on them. in out garden it is certainly rudbeckia that has baby snails visible.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 26 Aug 2021
0.02 miles
Snow slips off solar panels
The previous evening 8cm of snow fell in a couple of hours. We had thought it would cover the solar panels, but by midnight it had all fallen off the shiny surface. Notice the soft snow still on the myrtle on the right; there was so little wind that the soft snow stuck on the branches.
The panels generated about 180 kwh in October, and about 80 in each of November, December and January.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 5 Feb 2012
0.02 miles
Wikimedian of the year award at our registered office
Geograph was awarded a UK Wikimedian of the year award for 2012, and it is shown here at the registered office of Geograph Project Limited. See
Image for a close-up of the award, and links to Wikipedia pages about the award.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 28 Jun 2012
0.02 miles
Hoar frost on spider's web, 12/12/12 12:12
After a night of freezing fog, this rather battered spider's web on our hydrangeas was outlined by frost. Photo taken at 12 minutes past 12 on the 12th of December 2012.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 12 Dec 2012
0.02 miles
Buff-tailed bumblebee on dahlia
Bees come to these dahlias with open petals much more than to more complex dahlias. White-tailed bumblebee workers are very similar but much less likely to be in London, and some detail of tail corresponds with buff-tailed. See also
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 31 Jul 2016
0.02 miles
Buff-tailed bumblebee
Bee on a dahlia. Could be white-tailed but these are less likely in London and some detail of tails suggests buff-tailed. See also
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 31 Jul 2016
0.02 miles
Cloister Road, North Acton
Houses here were built around 1930. Flowers in the gardens are mainly roses, which do well on this clay soil.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 17 Jun 2005
0.02 miles
Solar water heating and roof windows, North Acton
This house in Cloister Road has recently had solar water heating installed. On the roof there are windows above, and water heating panels below. Local planning guidelines are that the front elevation of houses must maintain the original roof line, but sloping windows are allowed. The backs of many houses have loft extensions which jut out from the original roof line.
Image: © David Hawgood
Taken: 4 Apr 2010
0.03 miles