Old Milestone by the A310, Twickenham Road, Hounslow Parish
Carved stone post by the A310, in parish of HOUNSLOW (HOUNSLOW District), Twickenham Road; Isleworth, by West Middlesex Hospital, opposite Teesdale Gardens, in footpath beside railings (was a wall before flats), on South East side of road. Isleworth stone, erected by the Kensington to Cranford Bridge turnpike trust in the 18th century.
Inscription reads:-
Milestone Society National ID: MX_IWTW02.
Image: © A Rosevear
Taken: 8 Jun 2002
0.03 miles
Old Milestone by Park Road, Isleworth Cemetery
Carved stone post by the UC road, in parish of HOUNSLOW (HOUNSLOW District), Park Road; Isleworth, by Isleworth Cemetery Gate, by wall/railing behind footpath, on West side of road. Isleworth stone, erected by the Kensington to Cranford Bridge turnpike trust in the 18th century.
Inscription reads:-
Milestone Society National ID: MX_IWTW02a.
Image: © A Rosevear
Taken: 8 Jun 2002
0.04 miles
All Saints, Church Street, Isleworth, Mx TW7 6BE- Interior
Image: © John Salmon
Taken: 29 Feb 2008
0.05 miles
Syon Park and Brentford from the air
Syon Park is at the bottom of the photo. The M4 motorway runs across the centre. Viewed from a Heathrow bound flight from Glasgow.
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 29 Aug 2011
0.05 miles
Woodbridge Park Education Service, Isleworth
The front house, late 18th century, grade II listed, of quite a large site. To quote their web site: "We are a multi-site Alternative Provision serving the London Borough of Hounslow from the Early Years Foundation Stage up to Key Stage Five, catering for a variety of pupils who are not able to be educated within a mainstream setting."
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 9 Sep 2012
0.11 miles
Busch House, July 1982
This is just about all the public could see of Busch House School. The school was a Special School for pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties, located in Twickenham Road at the junction of Park Road. A high brick wall surrounded the school grounds. The house here is Busch House - a small Georgian mansion, which is Grade 2 listed. The house gives its name to Busch Corner - the junction to the north between Twickenham Road and London Road. The school used the ground floor of the mansion as an assembly and dining hall, while the upper floors were the caretaker's accommodation. The rest of the school was housed in mostly wooden buildings to the rear of the mansion.
See also:
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: Unknown
0.11 miles
Busch House School, July 1982
At the time this photograph was taken, Busch House School was a Local Authority Special School for pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties. There were about 70 pupils on roll aged from 5 to 16. The school opened in 1938 as an Open Air School for delicate children. The school was housed in several wooden buildings which had large folding windows which could be fully opened to create 'open air' classrooms. The corner of one of the buildings is visible on the right. In 1982, this room was the Gym. The large building is Busch House, which is a small Georgian mansion, and is Grade 2 listed. The school used the ground floor as an assembly and dining hall. The upper floors were the caretaker's accommodation. The conservatory was used as a staff dining room and for individual tuition. The brick building on the left is the corner of the admin block, which contained offices and staff room. Busch House from the road:
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: Unknown
0.11 miles
Busch House School, July 1982
A view of Busch House from the school playground. The house is a Georgian mansion, and is Grade 2 listed. The school used the ground floor as an assembly and dining hall, while the upper floors were the caretaker's accommodation. The single storey extension on the right is the school kitchen. The minibus was not usually parked on the playground, but this was holiday time, and the vehicle had been moved for security reasons.
See also:
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: Unknown
0.12 miles
London Road, Isleworth
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 12 Aug 2018
0.13 miles
The Syon
Residential development, close to Syon Park.
Image: © Peter Trimming
Taken: 16 Apr 2016
0.14 miles