Edge of Richmond Park
Image: © Hugh Venables
Taken: 12 Mar 2016
0.03 miles
Footpath heading to the Cambrian Gate
Footpath heading to the Cambrian Gate in Richmond Park
Image: © Shaun Ferguson
Taken: 25 Jun 2008
0.04 miles
Trees near Cambrian Road Gate, Richmond Park (2)
Only a small proportion of this grid-square - at its south-east corner - lies within Richmond Park. The area in question is a triangle of land immediately to the north and east of the Cambrian Road pedestrian gate. Along the margin of the Park is a belt of mature trees, well spaced. Species include sweet chestnut, beech, exotic oaks, and hornbeam.
In this shot the tree nearest the camera is a beech. When leafless, as here in early March, the species can be recognised by its relatively smooth, pale grey bark (showing green in this shot, because of a growth of lichen).
Richmond Park is a National Nature Reserve.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 7 Mar 2011
0.05 miles
Trees near Cambrian Road Gate, Richmond Park (1)
Only a small proportion of this grid-square - at its south-east corner - lies within Richmond Park. The area in question is a triangle of land immediately to the north and east of the Cambrian Road pedestrian gate. Along the margin of the Park is a belt of mature trees, well spaced. Species include sweet chestnut, beech, exotic oaks, and hornbeam.
In this shot the tree nearest the camera is a hornbeam, Carpinus betulus. Light raking across the bark highlights the broad smooth ridges which give the species its common name. This is a big, rather stocky specimen.
Richmond Park is a National Nature Reserve.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 7 Mar 2011
0.05 miles
Cambrian Road, Richmond
Taken from just outside the Cambrian Gate, a pedestrian gate into Richmond Park.
Image: © Trevor Harris
Taken: 12 Jul 2014
0.08 miles
Path around edge of Richmond Park
This path was made as a cycle path but after an incident of a dog being killed in a collision with a bike a supposed 10 mph limit was introduced (which was a tad harsh, I used to run faster than that on it). With a switch to mostly road bikes on the loop road this path is mainly used by runners with occasional cyclists and things are now fairly sensible.
Image: © Hugh Venables
Taken: 12 Mar 2016
0.08 miles
View of the St Matthias Church, Kings Road from Richmond Park #2
Looking north-northeast.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 1 Jul 2012
0.10 miles
Bishop's Lodge, and the freebord of Richmond Park
When Richmond Park was first enclosed, by King Charles I, the Crown also commandeered a strip of land 16 feet 6 inches wide outside the Park wall. The primary purpose of this strip - the so-called freebord - seems to have been to allow passage along the wall for maintenance purposes. Over the course of centuries much of the freebord has been encroached upon, so that there are now few places where it is still constitutes a public passageway. One such place is here, off Chisholm Road, Richmond, where the freebord gives access to the Park via a pedestrian gate.
The house on the right, built into the Park wall, is known as Bishop's Lodge - because once upon a time a gamekeeper called Bishop lived here.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 10 Nov 2010
0.11 miles
Houses with Dutch gables, Queen's Road, Richmond
There are a number of these handsome buildings along the west side of Queen's Road. Not all retain as much of the original exterior detailing as this pair.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 7 Feb 2017
0.11 miles
Hunting for frogs - Heron at Bishop's Lodge Pond, Richmond Park
In early March this pond attracts spawning frogs - fairly easy prey for this heron. The water level in the pond is low - and rubbish which might otherwise go unnoticed is in full view.
Richmond Park is a National Nature Reserve.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 6 Mar 2012
0.14 miles