Singleton Hill in 1975
Houses have since been built on the fields beyond the fence so hiding any view of Ashford nowadays. In this view one can discern the gas holder (now demolished) near to Gasworks Lane.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: Unknown
0.12 miles
Singleton Environment Centre, Ashford, TN23 5LW
There are meeting rooms for hire, and a public cafe here. The building is operated by The Conservation Volunteers which describes itself as the UK's leading practical conservation charity. Here is a link to the Singleton Environment Centre website http://www.tcv.org.uk/singleton
Image: © Danny P Robinson
Taken: 25 Jul 2012
0.13 miles
View towards Ashford from Bucksford Lane in 1975
The ploughed fields are now a public open space. In this view, the gas holder (now demolished) was situated near to Gasworks Lane, to its right is Chart House and (the tower) of St Mary's church, while in the far distance are the North Downs.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: Unknown
0.14 miles
Bucksford Lane, Ashford, Kent
Image: © Oast House Archive
Taken: 10 Dec 2008
0.17 miles
Chart Road
The field, to the right of the road, will eventually form part of a vast development, to be known as Chilmington Green, for which planning permission has been granted by Ashford Borough Council under application number 12/00400/AS. This is an “outline application for a Comprehensive Mixed Use Development comprising: up to 5,750 residential units, in a mix of sizes, types and tenures; up to 10,000 m² (gross external floor space) of Class Bl use; up to 9,000 m² (gross external floor space) of Class Al to A5 uses; Education (including a secondary school of up to 8 ha and up to four primary schools of up to 2.1 ha each); Community Uses (class Dl) up to 7,000 m² (gross external floor space); Leisure Uses (class D2) up to 6,000 m² (gross external floor space); Provision of local recycling facilities; Provision of areas of formal and informal open space; Installation of appropriate utilities infrastructure as required to serve the development, including flood attenuation works, SUDS, water supply and wastewater infrastructure, gas supply, electricity supply (including substations), telecommunications infrastructure and renewable energy infrastructure (including CHP in the District Centre); Transport infrastructure, including provision of three accesses on to the A28, an access on to Coulter Road/Cuckoo Lane, other connections on to the local road network, and a network of internal roads, footpaths and cycle routes; New planting and landscaping, both within the Proposed Development and on its boundaries, and ecological enhancement works; and associated ground works where appearance, landscaping, layout and scale are reserved for future approval and where access is reserved for future approval with the exception of the three accesses on to the A28 and the access on to Coulter Road/Cuckoo Lane”.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 19 Nov 2017
0.20 miles
Singleton Environment Centre
BTCV in Kent. Footprints cafe. See http://www2.btcv.org.uk/display/about for more details about British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) and http://www.ourfootprint.co.uk for the Footprints cafe.
Image: © Angus Willson
Taken: 11 Dec 2008
0.20 miles
Chart Road
The field, to the right of the road will eventually form part of a vast development, to be known as Chilmington Green, for which planning permission has been granted by Ashford Borough Council under application number 12/00400/AS. This is an “outline application for a Comprehensive Mixed Use Development comprising: up to 5,750 residential units, in a mix of sizes, types and tenures; up to 10,000 m² (gross external floor space) of Class Bl use; up to 9,000 m² (gross external floor space) of Class Al to A5 uses; Education (including a secondary school of up to 8 ha and up to four primary schools of up to 2.1 ha each); Community Uses (class Dl) up to 7,000 m² (gross external floor space); Leisure Uses (class D2) up to 6,000 m² (gross external floor space); Provision of local recycling facilities; Provision of areas of formal and informal open space; Installation of appropriate utilities infrastructure as required to serve the development, including flood attenuation works, SUDS, water supply and wastewater infrastructure, gas supply, electricity supply (including substations), telecommunications infrastructure and renewable energy infrastructure (including CHP in the District Centre); Transport infrastructure, including provision of three accesses on to the A28, an access on to Coulter Road/Cuckoo Lane, other connections on to the local road network, and a network of internal roads, footpaths and cycle routes; New planting and landscaping, both within the Proposed Development and on its boundaries, and ecological enhancement works; and associated ground works where appearance, landscaping, layout and scale are reserved for future approval and where access is reserved for future approval with the exception of the three accesses on to the A28 and the access on to Coulter Road/Cuckoo Lane”.
Image for a similar view.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 19 Nov 2017
0.21 miles
Chart Road: 1985
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 25 May 1985
0.22 miles
A scene of dereliction, Bartlets Lane
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 10 Oct 2017
0.23 miles
Garton Way, Ashford
Image: © Stacey Harris
Taken: 14 Nov 2010
0.23 miles