The Malting
This is the first iron framed constructed building in the world and now under ownership of The English Heritage
Image: © Mr M Evison
Taken: 2 Jan 2006
0.01 miles
Row of 3-storey houses, St Michael's Street, Shrewsbury
Arranged in groups of two houses, with the front doors side by side, between the windows of each house.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 16 Nov 2015
0.02 miles
'The Maltings' Hair and Beauty Salon
This has the appearance of a converted public house. The name refers to the former brewery maltings opposite in the Ditherington Flax Mill complex.
The houses beyond date from the early 1800s and were built to house workers in the mill. Apprentice and clerks houses were provided within the complex.
The trapezoidal plan shape of the building reflects the course of the Shrewsbury Canal which crossed the road diagonally at this point.
Image: © John M
Taken: 19 Sep 2009
0.04 miles
Rear of Ditherington Flax Mill
The track at the rear of the complex leads down to the railway. These buildings may be from the later Maltings period of usage.
Image: © John M
Taken: 19 Sep 2009
0.04 miles
Building on the corner of St Michael's Street and Crewe Street
The building, originally a pub as shown on the 1902 map, has an unusual double-pitched roof. It is currently for sale but was most recently used as a hair salon. There is a postbox in the wall. See
Image for further comment.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 16 Oct 2022
0.05 miles
Ann's Hill, Shrewsbury
Viewed across the A5191 St Michael's Street. Ann's Hill is a terrace of 3-storey Georgian houses, now numbered 56-59 St Michael’s Street. The Shrewsbury Local History Society website states that they were built by John Simpson, and named after his second daughter, who was christened Marianne in 1793, but was known as Ann. Ann's Hill was built at the same time as the nearby Ditherington Flax Mill (opened in 1797), and it is thought to have been the original apprentice house for the factory.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 16 Nov 2015
0.05 miles
Plate on Shrewsbury Canal bridge 47, 1990
Factory Bridge, rebuilt 1913 has only the parapet on the south side of the A5191 surviving, but traces of the other may survive as brickwork reduced to near pavement level. The canal traffic dwindled to nothing in the 1930s and was formally abandoned in 1944.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 27 Sep 1990
0.05 miles
Old canal related signage beside the main road
The footpath here follows the line of the old Shrewsbury Canal I think. This sign is one of the few remaining elements of that era.
Image: © Jeremy Bolwell
Taken: 3 Jan 2021
0.05 miles
Factory Bridge plaque
The plaque would have been on the bridge that took St Michael's Street over the Shrewsbury Canal and took its name from the nearby flaxmill. It is in near enough its original location as this cycleway follows the line of the former canal.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 16 Oct 2022
0.05 miles
Ditherington Flax Mill
Grade 2 listed extennsion to the main mill building. The Shrewsbury Canal ran approimately 30feet from the face of the building. The photograph is taken on the approximate line of canal.
Image: © John M
Taken: 19 Sep 2009
0.05 miles