Boundary of Cheyne Row and Glebe Place
Image: © Basher Eyre
Taken: 2 Aug 2014
0.01 miles
View of an unusual house on Glebe Place
Looking south-southwest.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 17 Mar 2019
0.02 miles
Looking along Upper Cheyne Row
Image: © Basher Eyre
Taken: 2 Aug 2014
0.02 miles
Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea
This view looks across Cheyne Row to Upper Cheyne Row. The edge of the Catholic Church of Our Most Holy Redeemer & St Thomas More can just be seen on the right.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 30 Mar 2016
0.02 miles
A posthumous Charles Rennie Mackintosh project? Glebe Place, Chelsea
In an old copy of Pevsner's 'The Buildings of England' I found mention of a house in Glebe Place where the Scottish architect had lived in the last years of his life. - 'His alterations to the front can easily be recognised'.
That puzzled me, as I'd been a weekly visitor to Glebe Place in my student days, but had no recollection of any building in CRM's style. Around about that time I'd been round his School of Art in Glasgow, and made the pilgrimage to Helensburgh to see Hill House - so I have a fair idea of what to look for.
Approaching from the King's Road, I knew that the house I was looking for was in the short east-west stretch at the southern end of Glebe Place. There weren't many to choose from. One was a little cottagey place with a long low six-light window on the first floor. Arts & Crafts influence, maybe, but not Mackintosh. But then further along there's a blue plaque (on a door) commemorating CRM and his wife 'who worked from this building from 1915 to 1923'.
Just beyond the plaque - to the right - there is the house shown in my picture. I recognised Mackintosh features at first sight - expanses of pale, blank wall, and black iron railings set in low copings which sweep up to join the columns on either side of the doorway. Even the bushes look like the 'lollipops' in a CRM sketch. And - to get really architectural - there's the 'massing of volumes'.
But then, if you turn left round the corner, you find that the site is a deep one, stretching some way along the narrow road. And there's a double garage in the same style - but CRM can't possibly have designed that!
From what I've found on the web, it seems that the building incorporates some of the fabric of the Mackintoshes' studios, but the design is quite recent. To be kind you might call it a CRM 'tribute building' - rather than a fake. The exterior is undeniably a sensitive and imaginative job. On the other hand, illustrations of the interior show spaces quite unlike anything CRM could have imagined.
That saddens me, as the Mackintoshes were such inspired designers of interior spaces and of furnishings. For me, the mismatch between inside and out in the Glebe Place house undermines the whole project.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 23 Nov 2021
0.02 miles
Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea
Exclusive housing in quiet residential side streets beside the Thames. This area has many arty and historic connections e.g. Thomas Carlyle lived around the corner.
Image: © Colin Smith
Taken: 10 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
Inside Our Most Holy Redeemer & St. Thomas More (5)
Image: © Basher Eyre
Taken: 2 Aug 2014
0.02 miles
View of Our Most Holy Redeemer & St. Thomas More Catholic Church on Cheyne Walk from Upper Cheyne Walk
Looking south-southeast.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 17 Mar 2019
0.02 miles
Cross Keys, Lawrence Street, Carving
Image: © Alexander P Kapp
Taken: 2 Mar 2009
0.03 miles
Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea
Image: © Chris Whippet
Taken: 24 Jul 2015
0.03 miles