The High, Streatham High Road (1)
The magnum opus of R. Toms and Partners, at least on the High Road. A huge development of street-level shops, above which are five blocks of flats each of five storeys, with more set back from the road. It opened in 1937. The flats have Crittall windows, but overall the buildings are plain with the only decoration being coloured brickwork at the angles, and the canopy above the shops which sweeps distinctively along this stretch of the road. It is within the Streatham High Road and Streatham Hill Conservation Area.
The course of Streatham High Road has been a major highway between London and Sussex since Roman times. Its current appearance is largely attributable to two major spells of development. The first was during the late C19th following the opening of Streatham Hill station in 1856, and the second was after 1911 when the line to Victoria was electrified. Though much-maligned and undoubtedly blighted by heavy traffic, closer examination reveals that the road is lined with a number of interesting buildings, some of which reflect the period between the wars when Streatham was a fashionable centre of entertainment. Information from Lambeth Council (http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/NR/exeres/CE4B5CE1-0387-40ED-B5A9-273A5160C34A.htm ).
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: Unknown
0.01 miles
The former British Relay House and later Elgar House, Streatham High Road
This used to be British Relay House, the Southern Area Office of the television rental company British Relay. I worked there on and off between 1965 and 1971 so remember it well as British Relay House when the company occupied the whole building. It later became Elgar House, although any connection with the composer was somewhat remote. The photograph is taken from the middle reservation of the dual carriageway.
By 2014 any mention of Elgar House had gone and instead the sign in its place said "PRS for MUSIC". This is a a UK copyright collection society and performance rights organisation.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 1 Sep 2010
0.03 miles
Elgar House, Streatham High Road
Dating from the 1960s, the work of one William Clark of Pall Mall. A car workshop occupies the ground floor, with offices above and flats in the red-brick section. It is within the Streatham High Road and Streatham Hill Conservation Area, but presumably only because it is on the High Road: the report comments that it is "monotonous" and creates a "deadening break ... breaking the sweep of grand apartment blocks and disrupting the pavement frontage of shops."
The course of Streatham High Road has been a major highway between London and Sussex since Roman times. Its current appearance is largely attributable to two major spells of development. The first was during the late C19th following the opening of Streatham Hill station in 1856, and the second was after 1911 when the line to Victoria was electrified. Though much-maligned and undoubtedly blighted by heavy traffic, closer examination reveals that the road is lined with a number of interesting buildings, some of which reflect the period between the wars when Streatham was a fashionable centre of entertainment. Information from Lambeth Council (http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/NR/exeres/CE4B5CE1-0387-40ED-B5A9-273A5160C34A.htm ).
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: Unknown
0.03 miles
Streatham High Road, summer 1978
Photo taken looking north towards Streatham Hill. To the left is the Odeon and at this time it was still a single screen When opened in 1930, its exotic interiors made it an "atmospheric" where the audience could escape into mock Egyptian fantasy! in the background can be seen "The High", a 1930's mansion block with integral swimming pool. Note the light traffic. It is the constant grind of heavy traffic that contributed to the decline of this once thriving shopping centre.
Image: © Brian Whittle
Taken: Unknown
0.05 miles
Former Streatham Post Office
Image: © Stacey Harris
Taken: 8 Nov 2008
0.05 miles
Old Milestone by the A23, Streatham High Road, Streatham parish
Carved stone post by the A23, in parish of STREATHAM (LAMBETH District), Streatham High Road, in front of Kwik-fit garage, between footpath and parking area, to left of seat, on East side of road. Surrey limestone pillar, erected by the Surrey & Sussex turnpike trust in the 18th century.
Inscription reads:-
Milestone Society National ID: SY_LBT05a.
Image: © DJ Whines
Taken: 21 Sep 2001
0.06 miles
Streatham High Road, London SW16
Image: © Stacey Harris
Taken: 8 Nov 2008
0.06 miles
Odeon Streatham
Image: © Stacey Harris
Taken: 8 Nov 2008
0.06 miles
The High, Streatham High Road (2)
Another view (see here:
Image]), looking south from opposite the corner of Leigham Avenue.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: Unknown
0.06 miles
Building site, Streatham High Road
Image: © Alex McGregor
Taken: 18 Aug 2010
0.06 miles