Quill Lane, Putney
Image: © John Lord
Taken: 7 Sep 2010
0.01 miles
Modder Place, Putney
According to the 1901 census, my great-grandparents lived just round the corner in Charlwood Terrace. That little street has been so transformed that the old 'omnibus driver' and his wife would scarcely recognise it - or so I fear. On the other hand, the terrace on the west side of Modder Place cannot have changed all that much in the space of 110 years.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 24 Dec 2011
0.02 miles
Modder Place, Putney
Image: © John Lord
Taken: 7 Sep 2010
0.03 miles
Quill Lane
Parked cars spoil photographs of many an attractive street in Putney. Quill Lane is one of the exceptions as it is clearly too narrow for cars and has therefore been pedestrianised.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 6 Oct 2010
0.03 miles
Quill Lane, Putney
Taking a photograph of some of the attractive streets in Putney is difficult because of parked cars. Quill Lane is one of the exceptions as it is too narrow for cars and has been pedestrianised.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 6 Oct 2010
0.03 miles
Charlwood Road, Putney
Charlwood Road is divided into two parts by Lacy Road. This is the northern part. It appealed to me because most roads in Putney are clogged by cars, which do not add to the view, but Charlwood Road here is too narrow for people to park their cars. On the other side of the road to the right (out of view) is Hotham Primary School - see http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2377263
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 28 Dec 2016
0.06 miles
Quill Lane, Putney
A short stretch of pedestrianised road linking Charlwood Road with Cardinal Place, with the curving Quill Terrace on the right.
Image: © Derek Harper
Taken: 7 Feb 2010
0.06 miles
Hotham School, Putney, seen from Charlwood Road
This school stands at the corner of Hotham Road and Charlwood Road, and is said to date from 1867. There were once many such buildings across south London - though this is a particularly massive example. I spent six years of my childhood at St Michael's School, Southfields, which has also survived. St Michael's was smaller than this building, but even so rather a formidable environment for a five year-old.
Seen looking north along Charlwood Road. The reproduction 19th century lamp-post is a sign that we are in a Conservation Area. A number of streets here retain a lot of genuine 19th century character - these lamp-posts seem bogus, and undermine it.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 26 Nov 2010
0.06 miles
Hotham Primary School
On the corner of Hotham Road to the right and Charlwood Road to the left, Hotham Primary School is another very impressive board school. The notice behind the tree shows that it was founded as Hotham Road Schools.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 16 Mar 2011
0.07 miles
Hotham Primary School from Charlwood Road, Putney
Hotham Primary School is a classic 'board school' It is seen here from Charlwood Road. For a close up of the school see http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2377263
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 2 Dec 2015
0.07 miles