Portland Road Pottery
A functioning pottery - of which there are now relatively few - although the buildings do not appear to have been a traditional potbank. The buildings appear to have been sliced apart to create access into a yard.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 9 Sep 2007
0.10 miles
Foley, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent
The area known as "The Foley" is centred on King Street, near the Longton boundary. By the 1830's there were several potworks and some large houses.
Foley Place
Foley Place is near the east end of King Street and was probably built in the 1830's or 1840's and is an example of middle-class housing with some attempt at a formal layout, rare in the Potteries at that date. It consists of an L-shaped block of two-stories stucco houses with basements, late Georgian in style. There were originally eleven houses and an inn, the 'Foley Arms,' while a communal garden (now covered by a garage and petrol station) was laid out to the west.
Image: © Steven Birks
Taken: Unknown
0.14 miles
Phoenix Pottery Works
The Phoenix Works were built in 1879 by Thomas Forester. Forester's manufactory ranked among the most important pottery establishments of the locality.
Image: © Ashley Dace
Taken: 2 Mar 2012
0.16 miles
The Portmeirion Factory Shop on King Street
Image: © Steve Daniels
Taken: 14 Sep 2011
0.16 miles
Foley Arms Hotel, Fenton
Foley, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.
The area known as "The Foley" is centred on King Street, near the Longton boundary. By the 1830's there were several potworks and some large houses.
See more on Foley:- http://www.thepotteries.org/location/districts/foley.htm
See photo of the houses in the same block as the Foley Arms:- http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/331473
Image: © Steven Birks
Taken: Unknown
0.18 miles
King Street to Longton
Image: © Steve Daniels
Taken: 14 Sep 2011
0.19 miles
The Potters public house
King Street, Longton
Image: © Steven Birks
Taken: Unknown
0.20 miles
Portland Road Pottery
A cheery little works.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 23 Aug 2009
0.21 miles
Old Milepost by the A5007, King Street, Stoke on Trent parish
Cast iron post by the A5007 (was A50), in parish of STOKE ON TRENT (STOKE ON TRENT District), West of Longton town centre, King Street, in tarmac in front of brick wall, on Southwest side of road. Cobridge iron casting, erected by the Newcastle to Blythe Marsh turnpike trust in the 19th century.
Inscription reads:-
: S.N. Cobridge :
Grade II listed.
List Entry Number: 1220531 https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1220531
Milestone Society National ID: ST_NCUT04.
Image: © J Higgins
Taken: 1 Jan 2000
0.22 miles
Phoenix works, Longton
The Phoenix Works was commenced in 1879, and this is where Thomas Forester ran his pottery business from.
Image: © Brian Deegan
Taken: 9 Aug 2008
0.22 miles