Normacot parish church hall - 1978
The hall's exterior being repainted by parish volunteers in 1976. This 1940s church hall was demolished during 2006 to make way for the present retirement complex named Alhambra Court.
Image: © Chris Beaver
Taken: Unknown
0.13 miles
Normacot Vicarage #3 under construction during 1975
This third vicarage at Normacot was completed in April 1975. It was demolished about 2006 to make way for a retirement complex on the whole site named Alhambra Court.
Image: © Chris Beaver
Taken: Unknown
0.14 miles
Former Furnace Inn and 1st Normacot Vicarage
Demolished soon after this photograph in about 1972, this was formerly the Furnace Inn before becoming the original vicarage when the church of the Holy Evangelists was built on adjacent land in 1847. Since the 1940's this building was used for various parish activities including cubs and scouts, also a youth club and whist drives. In 1972 a Scout and Guide hall was opened on this site to complement the existing church hall. A new vicarage (to replace the 2nd one across the road which was sold) was also built on this site in 1974-75. The S & G HQ, church hall and new vicarage have all since been demolished and the whole site has been sold and redeveloped. Flats and bungalows for the elderly now occupy this site.
Image: © Chris Beaver
Taken: Unknown
0.14 miles
Former Furnace Inn and 1st vicarage
Demolished in 1972 not long after the photo was taken, this was originally the Furnace Inn and later became the vicarage when the church of the Holy Evangelists was built on adjacent land in 1847. See other photos for more details, also for later buildings on this site all since demolished too. Currently (2012) this site is occupied by bungalows and flats for the elderly.
Image: © Chris Beaver
Taken: Unknown
0.14 miles
Normacot Scout & Guide HQ - 1976
Built during 1975 or 1976. Demolished about 2006 to make way for the Alhambra Court retirement complex.
Image: © Chris Beaver
Taken: Unknown
0.15 miles
Site of Normacot Parish Church Hall.
All that remains at the site of the church hall, the base once supported a pre-fabricated building that didn't meet current requirements or building regulations. It was demolished in 2006 after serving three generations of the local community.
Image: © Chris Beaver
Taken: 22 Oct 2006
0.15 miles
Normacot Church
Account from a 1851 gazetteer: "Normacot church, a beautiful structure in the style which prevailed in the 13th century, was erected by the Duke of Sutherland, in 1847. The curacy is annexed to Blurton, and the incumbent is the Rev Canon Hutchinson, MA."
Image: © Steven Birks
Taken: 5 May 2005
0.15 miles
Site of third and last Normacot Vicarage.
Built on part of the site of the former Furnace Inn (and 1st vicarage) during late 1974 and early 1975 as a replacement for the 2nd vicarage (now a private house again), located opposite the church on the corner of Upper Normacot Road. This 3rd and last 4-bedroomed modern vicarage was demolished in 2007 or early 2008. The sight of the three concrete bases (church hall, vicarage and Scout & Guide hall) all on this one site next to the church of The Holy Evangelists must have caused some tearful eyes during 2008. It will be interesting to see what the land is going to be used for into the 21st century.
Image: © Chris Beaver
Taken: 4 Aug 2008
0.15 miles
The third and last Normacot Vicarage.
Built on the site of the former Furnace Inn (and first vicarage) as recently as 1975, next to the church of The Holy Evangelists', this building too is now surplus to the requirements of 21st century Britain and has been demolished along with the church hall and the scout & guide hall. Only the church and graveyard remain on the site. Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins may be getting through to many people in 21st century Britain.
Image: © Chris Beaver
Taken: 22 Oct 2006
0.16 miles
Site of Normacot Scout and Guide Hall.
Built about 1972 on the site of the former Furnace Inn next to church of The Holy Evangelists, this pre-fabricated Scout and Guide Hall suffered problems from subsidence beneath its concrete base. Having served two generations of local youngsters it was dismantled during 2006.
Image: © Chris Beaver
Taken: 22 Oct 2006
0.16 miles