Tithe barn at Fittleton Manor, from the north-east
The exposed timber framing (with brick 'nogging') along the north side of the barn contrasts with the rather more modern brickwork of the east-facing wall.
The manor house itself - brick and flint - can be glimpsed through the opening on the left.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 16 May 2016
0.06 miles
Tithe barn at Fittleton Manor, seen from the east
Whereas the north-facing side of this building has exposed timber framing http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4954804 the south side is plainly of much later construction. The lunette windows suggest an 18th-century date. The original barn doors have been replaced by typical stable half-doors - all of which suggests that the medieval barn was converted to stables in Georgian times.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 16 May 2016
0.06 miles
Tithe barn at Fittleton Manor: northern aspect
Situated along the northern boundary of the manor house grounds.
When I first captioned this image I described the barn as a 'thatched out-building'. Though it seemed to be a medieval barn, I was puzzled by the narrow doorways on the other (inward-facing) side - stable half-doors, Since then, I have found that the building is generally referred to as a tithe barn.
Plainly the south-facing wall of the building is later http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4957908 - the half-moon windows look Georgian - so my guess is that the barn was converted to stables at some stage in the 18th century.
In any case, it's a handsome building, reminding me of Cressing Temple (in a different part of England altogether): http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4618556
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 16 May 2016
0.06 miles
The Orange Way in Wiltshire (277)
Fittleton is reached.
Image: © Shazz
Taken: 25 Apr 2013
0.06 miles
Barn, Haxton
16th Century timber framed barn with brick noggin.
Image: © Maigheach-gheal
Taken: 11 Mar 2007
0.06 miles
Gateway at Fittleton Manor
No longer used, but this must once have been the grand entrance to the manor house.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 16 May 2016
0.08 miles
Timber framed thatched cottage in Fittleton
Footpath No 27 leads to the Warren.
Image: © Maigheach-gheal
Taken: 11 Mar 2007
0.08 miles
Approach to All Saints Church, Fittleton
Grassy approach beneath trees to the church. The cob wall borders Fittleton Manor and a blackbird and spring blossom add to the picture.
Image: © Maigheach-gheal
Taken: 11 Mar 2007
0.08 miles
Victorian postbox, Fittleton Manor
Built into the boundary wall that runs along the village street, to the south (if I remember correctly) of the gateway shown here: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4954784
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 16 May 2016
0.09 miles
The Rectory, Fittleton
Vast. The rector of Fittleton must have lived like a sultan.
Seen from the churchyard gate.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 16 May 2016
0.09 miles