William Henry Fox Talbot, Greenways Business Park, Chippenham
Fox Talbot is 'the father of modern photography and the inventor of the photographic negative' according to the plaque at the base of the sculpture. The work is by Greta Berlin. The sculpture comprises three pieces: Fox Talbot and his subjects, a young girl and her greyhound.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 8 Aug 2008
0.14 miles
William Henry Fox Talbot, Greenways Business Park, Chippenham
Fox Talbot is 'the father of modern photography and the inventor of the photographic negative' according to the plaque at the base of the sculpture. The work is by Greta Berlin. The sculpture comprises three pieces: Fox Talbot and his subjects, a young girl and her greyhound.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 8 Aug 2008
0.14 miles
William Henry Fox Talbot, close-up, Greenways Business Park, Chippenham
The sculptor, Greta Berlin, has made Fox Talbot a rather dour-looking figure. Was he really so? I prefer the rather more attractive figures of a young girl and her dog who make up the other parts of the set-piece sculptures.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 8 Aug 2008
0.14 miles
Girl and greyhound, Greenways Business Park, Chippenham
The hauntingly beautiful young girl and her greyhound companion are the subjects of the pioneer photographer William Henry Fox Talbot in a set-piece sculpture by Greta Berlin that is at the centre of the business park.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 8 Aug 2008
0.14 miles
Greenways Business Park, Chippenham
William Henry Fox Talbot and his subjects stand in a green area in this relatively small business park. I believe the development dates from the 1990s.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 8 Aug 2008
0.14 miles
A new addition
Some recently built properties opposite Barnes Road.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 29 Feb 2012
0.15 miles
Chippenham, milestone
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark on side of milestone (Chippenham 1) dating from 1856 when the survey line from Oxford to Bath was levelled. The mark is very unusual having its bolt inserted at the bottom of the LHS arrow cut, instead of at the level of the horizontal datum cut. For additional information on this and nearby benchmarks see the Bench Mark Database record http://www.bench-marks.org.uk/bm34234
Image: © Roger Templeman
Taken: 7 May 2010
0.16 miles
Old milestone on Malmesbury Road
On the B4158 is an old milestone, looking a little neglected. It still just about says one mile to Chippenham. However, it is also the place to find an unusual benchmark (see
Image] ) - unusual not only because it is a 1GL boltmark, but also because the bolt is not aligned with the datum line. Sadly, the milestone's neglect has seen it topple slightly off its original level, rendering accurate levelling difficult (see
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 29 Feb 2012
0.16 miles
No longer level
A curious 1GL boltmark in a milestone on the Malmesbury Road - now shifted from its original position. Perhaps that may have something to do with the bolt not being aligned with the datum cut? See Roger Templeman's pic
Image] for greater clarity or
Image] for a wider view.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 29 Feb 2012
0.16 miles
Leaning over
The old milestone on the Malmesbury Road is now not true to vertical. See
Image] for a closer view.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 29 Feb 2012
0.16 miles