Hunter Plastics, Nathan Way, Thamesmead
The storage yard of a plastics manufacturer. See http://www.hunterplastics.co.uk
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 9 May 2010
0.01 miles
Steam engine recording, Hunter Building Products, Nathan Way
This works appears to have been demolished and the location is approximate using an old post code. There were parts of 12 stationary steam engines here and three fellow members of the Stationary Engine Research Group are seen recording them. The group is now the International Stationary Steam Engine Society.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 22 Apr 1989
0.04 miles
The Ridgeway at Plumstead, looking south-west
Despite the rural sounding name, this "ridgeway" is no more than a footpath along the top of the embankment of London's southern outfall sewer. This is a view from the top of the steps at the northern end of White Hart Road, looking towards Woolwich. The rightmost of the three towers is the new Akira Heights development
Image For the view in the opposite direction see
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 9 May 2010
0.04 miles
Factory on Hadden Road
I have not managed to identify the company or nature of business carried on here.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 19 Apr 2015
0.04 miles
Steam engines at Hunter Building Products, Nathan Way, Thamesmead
This works now appears to have been demolished and the location is an approximation from its post code. The late George Cooper is looking at the sorry remains of a Davey Paxman tandem compound with drop valves. This was the largest of 12 engines that were being stored on site. Dumped would have been a better word and I believe they have subsequently been scrapped, although some of the smaller engines might have changed hands. This is the Paxman engine in better days -
Image There is a small enclosed engine lying on its side in front of George.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 22 Apr 1989
0.04 miles
Stationary steam engines at Hunter Building Products, Nathan Way, Thamesmead
The position is an approximation based on an old post code and is in a now demolished works. This shows parts of 12 stationary steam engines plus other machinery that were being stored here although dumped would be a better word. They were collected with good intentions but I believe they have now been scrapped. The owner kindly arranged access via security on a Saturday afternoon after a busy day in London. The pictures taken by the four of us are probably quite unique as I doubt many others ventured out here.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 22 Apr 1989
0.04 miles
Stationary Steam Engine at Hunter Building Products, Nathan Way
This works has apparently been demolished and this approximate position is based on an old post code. These remains are part of a Davey Paxman engine with Lentz valve gear. It was one of only two survivors in the UK but has since been scrapped. Here is a view of it in better days -
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 22 Apr 1989
0.04 miles
Access to the Ridgeway from Nathan Way
There is a corresponding set of steps up from White Hart Road on the other side of the embankment, providing a pedestrian-only link across the Ridgeway, which is a major barrier to vehicular traffic.
Across the road is Maestro Pressure Cookers, one of many industrial units along Nathan Way.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 19 Apr 2015
0.05 miles
Scrapyard off White Hart Road
Viewed from the Ridgeway.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 19 Apr 2015
0.06 miles
Entrance to the Ridgeway, Plumstead
An entrance to the Ridgeway, a walking and cycling path which runs along the top of the Southern Outfall Sewer in south east London. In addition to steps, there is a ramp which enables cyclists and people using wheelchairs to access the path.
Image: © Malc McDonald
Taken: 18 Sep 2021
0.07 miles