Detail of Gilbert Bayes' carvings for the Greater London Fire Brigade HQ
Image: © tristan forward
Taken: Unknown
0.01 miles
Fire Brigade HQ door
Detail of a side door on the front of the London Fire Brigade HQ building on Albert Embankment.
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 21 Mar 2011
0.01 miles
Developments on Albert Embankment
Taken: 12 Feb 2016
0.01 miles
Albert Embankment (1)
Running south from Lambeth Bridge (left of shot) towards Vauxhall Bridge. The yellow-brick building on the left is the International Maritime Organisation (1977-82, by Douglas Marriott, Worby and Robinson
Image]). Its neighbour is the former Fire Brigade Headquarters, (1937, by E.P. Wheeler of the London County Council
Image]) - big, brick and horizontal. After a couple of modern blocks are a run of post-war office blocks described by Pevsner as, "bland facades with no emphasis anywhere apart from a few attempts to liven the roof-lines with free-standing grids". See here for a closer view:
The Albert Embankment, built out by Joseph Bazalgette in 1866-69, was primarily an industrial area until the Second World War after which commerce moved in.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: Unknown
0.02 miles
The London Fire Brigade Headquarters
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 2 Mar 2014
0.02 miles
Former London Fire Brigade headquarters
The headquarters moved away in 2007, although an ordinary fire station may persist at the lower levels, and the pier evidently is still in use by the river branch of the fire brigade in this 2011 view. Partly showing to the left is the headquarters of the International Maritime Organization.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 11 Aug 2011
0.02 miles
London Fire Brigade Headquarters
Image: © tristan forward
Taken: Unknown
0.02 miles
Lambeth Fire Station, 8 Albert Embankment
This was the HQ for the London Fire brigade from 1876 to 2007. A Grade II listed building. http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-501025-lambeth-fire-station-8-lambeth
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 25 Aug 2010
0.02 miles
Headquarters on Albert Embankment
To the left are the headquarters of the International Maritime Organization. In the centre, the headquarters of the London Fire Brigade. At the time this photo was taken, the IMO building was being refurbished and the LFB will soon start relocating to its new HQ building in Southwark, although the fire station will remain.
Image: © Peter Jordan
Taken: 20 Dec 2006
0.02 miles
Lambeth: International Maritime Organization headquarters building
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) http://www.imo.org/ is a specialized agency of the United Nations and this is its headquarters building at 4 Albert Embankment SE1, overlooking the River Thames by Lambeth Bridge. The IMO's main task has been to develop and maintain a comprehensive regulatory framework for shipping and its remit today includes safety, environmental concerns, legal matters, technical co-operation, maritime security and the efficiency of shipping.
The bronze sculpture at the front of the building depicts the bow of a cargo ship with a lone seafarer on the deck, and serves as an international memorial to the world’s seafarers, past, present and future. The seven metre high, ten-tonne sculpture is the work of Michael Sandle http://www.sculpture.org.uk/biography/MichaelSandle/
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 28 May 2008
0.02 miles