Chesterfield - Joplins on Low Pavement
The former Stones Brewery Crown & Cushion pub re-opened in 1981 as Joplins wine bar.
Image: © Dave Bevis
Taken: 26 May 2013
0.00 miles
61-63 Low Pavement, Chesterfield
Town houses of c.1800 later converted to retail use, Listed Grade II.
The ornate cast iron lamp post dates from c.1900 and is separately Listed Grade II. It is one of three similar lamps in the Market Place area.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 15 Jun 2021
0.01 miles
Chesterfield - shops along middle section of Low Pavement
Image: © Dave Bevis
Taken: 26 May 2013
0.01 miles
Chesterfield Market Hall refurbishment
The refurbishment of Chesterfield Market Hall involves extensive scaffolding, and the removal of much of the rear of the building (the western end, fronting onto New Square).
Image: © Edmund Gooch
Taken: 11 Jan 2013
0.01 miles
Chesterfield - Sun Inn on West Bars
Unusual view from the roof of the now demolished AGD (Post Office Headquarters - Chetwynd House).
Image: © Alan Heardman
Taken: 1 Mar 1997
0.02 miles
Chesterfield Market Hall
Picture taken during re-development of the town.
Image: © Alan Heardman
Taken: 1 Nov 1979
0.02 miles
Market, Chesterfield
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 24 Feb 2023
0.02 miles
The Peacocks Coffee Lounge, 67 Low Pavement, Chesterfield
Grade II listed 16th century timber framed building on the site of at least 2 earlier buildings. The blue plaque declares that it is a 'MEDIAEVAL HOUSE POSSIBLE GUILDHALL 1500 A.D.' A picture reportedly taken in the 1960s shows a very different Peacock Inn with different fenestration including two dormers and a large almost central doorway and no sign of the timber framing. The section of building that the blue plaque is attached to did not exist at the time of this picture. The pub closed in 1974. Sherds of Romano-British vessels were found here during excavations in the 1970s. Consulting directories, many have the Peacock in New Square (NS) except the Post Office who show Low Pavement (LP), here are some entries, 1828-1829 William Richardson NS, 1835 Thomas Roberts NS, 1842 Thomas Stanton NS, 1855 Henry Conway (& miller) LP, 1870 Henry Asquith NS, 1891-1895 Alexander Bowler LP and 1912 Alfred Norton now 67 Market Place.
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 29 Jun 2009
0.02 miles
The Peacock, Low Pavement, Chesterfield
Formerly the Peacock Inn, now a coffee lounge.
The building dates from the 16th century and is probably the oldest secular building in the town. It may originally have been a guildhall. Listed Grade II. In the early 20th century the frontage was remodelled by the owners, Brampton Brewery, and it was only following a fire in 1974 that the timber framing became fully revealed and the importance of the building recognised. Apparently this played a key part in deflected a planned major redevelopment of the town centre which would have included demolition of the Market Hall and many others of the now Listed buildings on Low Pavement.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 15 Jun 2021
0.02 miles
The Peacock Coffee House, Chesterfield
Dates from the sixteenth century https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1334679?section=official-list-entry
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 24 Feb 2023
0.02 miles