Eversfield Road
Edwardian houses built on the site of a 17th century mansion, Great Doods.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 25 Apr 2020
0.01 miles
Holmesdale Natural History Club Museum, Croydon Road, Reigate
The Holmesdale Natural History Club is one of the oldest natural history societies in the country, founded in 1857. Its purpose is "to promote the study of natural history, local history, archaeology and geology in the vicinity of Reigate". As well as regular meetings and outings, including a children's section, it runs a small museum of birds and eggs, insects and plants, as well as fossils and items of archaeological and geological interest. Although the emphasis is on local items, the historic basis was private collections donated in the past, including items gathered from abroad. There is also a book collection.
The name Holmesdale refers to the valley in which Reigate stands, between the North Downs and the Lower Greensand Ridge immediately to the south.
Its premises are a small group of terraced cottages set back from Croydon Road, part of which it purchased in 1910, with the remainder donated in 1919. They were formerly outbuildings of "Great Doods", a 16th century mansion demolished in the early 20th century, much of its former estate having already been sold off for development from 1897 onwards - the club premises are one of the few buildings that remained.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 15 Jun 2008
0.02 miles
Eversfield Road
Edwardian houses built on the site of a 17th century mansion, Great Doods.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 25 Apr 2020
0.02 miles
Eversfield Road
Edwardian houses built on the site of a 17th century mansion, Great Doods.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 15 Jun 2013
0.02 miles
Eversfield Road
Edwardian houses built on the site of a 17th century mansion, Great Doods.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 3 Jul 2010
0.03 miles
Looking north from St Mary's Church, Reigate
Viewed from the church tower. The line of houses running diagonally from bottom left to top right is Croydon Road, with the shops north of the railway prominent in the centre (see
Image). Behind this is the fire station with the practice tower visible along with the communications mast (the Surrey control room). Behind are the North Downs, with the TV transmitters on Reigate Hill visible on the left.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 13 Sep 2008
0.04 miles
Deerings Road
A road developed from 1898 onwards in the former grounds of Great Doods. Great Doods itself was demolished in 1910.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 15 Jun 2013
0.05 miles
Reigate Road
Late Victorian/Edwardian houses on what were the grounds of a large house called Great Doods. The large house to the left of the photo and the one three along from it are both locally listed.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 25 Jul 2009
0.06 miles
Croydon Road
Looking towards its junction with Church Street in the far distance.
The wall on the right mark the boundary of what were originally the grounds of Reigate Lodge, a large 18th century mansion. The house was demolished in the 1920s and the land used for what is now Reigate College (see
Image) and housing, for example Rushworth Road (see
Image). However the surrounding walls and shrubbery were retained, giving some privacy to the houses built immediately behind them, East Walk being along this section.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 15 Jun 2013
0.06 miles
Deerings Road
A road developed from 1898 onwards in the former grounds of Great Doods. Great Doods itself was demolished in 1910.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 25 Apr 2020
0.06 miles