Mary Newman's cottage at 48 Culver Road Saltash
Mary Newman was the wife of Sir Francis Drake and their home was reputed to have been here. The cottage has been restored by the Tamar Protection Society and the garden at the rear has been created as a typical Elizabethan herb garden.
Image: © Rod Allday
Taken: 7 Feb 2010
0.00 miles
Mary Newman's Cottage
Mary Newman was the first wife of Sir Francis Drake. She was born in 1552 most probably in London but she lived in Saltash at some point, it is thought in this house. Drake met Mary's father Richard while they were both adventuring in the Caribbean. On his return Drake started courting Mary and they married on July 4th 1569 in St Budeaux, a parish north of Plymouth in Devon and almost directly opposite Saltash on the other side of the Tamar.
Eight years later, while Mary was living in Saltash (probably at this house), she was informed that her husband had perished at sea. However, this was far from true, as three years later he arrived safely home with his ship, the Golden Hind, stuffed to the gunwales with treasure. The following year (1581) Elizabeth I knighted Drake - the couple were now Sir Francis and Lady Mary. They were elected mayor and mayoress of Plymouth, and with their new wealth moved to the splendid Buckland Abbey, north of Plymouth. However, just two years later, Mary died in January 1583 possibly succumbing to the scourge of the age, smallpox, though there is no definitive record of this. Two funeral services were held for her, the first at St Andrew's church in Plymouth, the second at St Budeaux where she had married Francis; this is where she is interred.
See also
Image] by Tony Atkin.
Image: © Rob Farrow
Taken: 13 Apr 2012
0.01 miles
Culver Road Saltash
Mary Newman's cottage
Image is on the right of the picture.
Image: © Rod Allday
Taken: 7 Feb 2010
0.02 miles
Mary Newman's Cottage, Saltash
Mary Newman's Cottage, Culver Road, Saltash, Cornwall. Mary Newman was the wife of Sir Francis Drake, and is believed to have lived here. The cottage is cared for by the Tamar Protection Society, and forms part of the Saltash Heritage Trail, marked by black and gold signs around the town.
Image: © Kevin Hale
Taken: 28 Aug 2002
0.02 miles
Old Boundary Marker by Coombe Road, Saltash
Turnpike Terminus Marker by the UC road, in parish of Saltash (Caradon District), Coombe Road, junction with Culver Road, at base of tall stone wall between grit bin and telegraph pole.
Inscription reads:-
(Boundary Saltash Turnpike)
Cornwall & Scilly HER.
HER Number: MCO57965 https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCO57965&resourceID=1020
Milestone Society National ID: CW_SHLK00t
Image: © Milestone Society
Taken: Unknown
0.03 miles
Saltash, Cornwall
Viewed from Devon across the River Tamar with the Union Inn http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3173174 prominent at the bottom of the picture.
Image: © Robin Drayton
Taken: 20 Jul 2014
0.04 miles
Houses in Saltash
These are some of the first or last houses in Cornwall, depending on which way you are going, with the Royal Albert Bridge just to the right. They have a nice aspect too, if you like bridges.
This photo was taken from the 1158 Penzance to London Paddington train, having left Liskeard at 1332.
Image: © Graham Horn
Taken: 9 Jul 2011
0.04 miles
Saltash Fisherfolk
A ceramic mural by Rosie Fierek on Silver Street, part of the Saltash Art Trail, and opened in November 2009 http://www.brucehunt.co.uk/Fisherfolk.html . "These walls are part of what were once fishermen’s cottages."
Image: © Derek Harper
Taken: 7 Jun 2013
0.04 miles
Union Hotel
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 9 Sep 2018
0.04 miles
Saltash Railway Station
Image: © nick macneill
Taken: 25 Oct 1985
0.04 miles