Cottages in Kintillo
The plastic double-glazing looks a touch out of keeping with the architecture.
Image: © James Allan
Taken: 21 Jan 2006
0.05 miles
Houses in Kintillo
Image: © Rob Purvis
Taken: 22 Jun 2018
0.05 miles
Shop, Kintillo Road
Shop in Bridge of Earn.
Image: © Richard Webb
Taken: 13 Feb 2012
0.10 miles
"Brig in Bloom" planter in Kintillo Road
This is one of many planters in Kintillo and Bridge of Earn. The pansies are small, but it's early in the year yet.
Towns and villages in the Perth and Kinross district compete for Take a Pride in Perthshire awards. Last year Brig in Bloom won a gold medal and "Best Involvement with Community Youth".
Image: © Rob Burke
Taken: 2 Apr 2011
0.11 miles
Paradise Avenue, Kintillo
Older houses in Kintillo. There is a pleasing mix of ages and styles in this village.
Image: © Rob Burke
Taken: 2 Apr 2011
0.14 miles
Brethren's Meeting Room
I don't know what to make of this. The only sign at the gates describes it as a Brethren's Meeting Room and a Place of Public Religious Worship. It's rather large for a meeting room, and at first I thought the sign must be for another building on the same site. However the general appearance matches sites owned by the Exclusive Brethren in other parts of the world. I don't think "public" worship should be taken too literally!
Image: © Rob Burke
Taken: 2 Apr 2011
0.14 miles
Old gatepost at Dunbarney Cemetery Extension
The gateposts are much older than the cemetery and I believe they have been relocated from Perth's Tay Street. (The posts and railings there were replaced by a flood wall.)
The inscription on this one says "The old Perth bridge, destroyed by a flood A.D. 1621, spanned the river near this point, and in the neighbourhood was fought the "Battle of the Brig" A.D. 1547."
The other post describes an event in 1633 when the King did something on a floating stage of timber on the Tay. (The inscription was hard to read when I was there, but should be readable in different light.)
Image: © Rob Burke
Taken: 2 Apr 2011
0.15 miles
Light industrial unit, Kintillo
There are a couple of light industrial units at the edge of the village.
Image: © Rob Burke
Taken: 2 Apr 2011
0.15 miles
Dunbarney Cemetery Extension
This is an extension to Dunbarney Cemetery, adjacent to the south. Instead of increasing the size of the existing cemetery, a separate plot was created. There is just a single line of graves, at present.
Image: © Rob Burke
Taken: 2 Apr 2011
0.15 miles
Street scene in Kintillo
Near Bridge of Earn in Perth and Kinross.
Image: © James Denham
Taken: 31 May 2010
0.16 miles